


For those who do

As Treasurer, your official duties are listed in ยง16.4 of the constitution: https://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/policies/constitution.pdf

As proposed under the 2014 Committee KPI Document:

Accounts Overview

Hints and things [TPG] will raeg about

Committee Meetings

Weekly Actions

  1. Count the safe
    • You can get cash counting notepads from Guild finance that will help you easily sum the cash (check if there's one already in the filing cabinet first though)
    • Sort the coins into the coin bags provided by the guild or westpac
    • After checking these amounts against dispense (see below), deposit amounts as you see fit into the Guild or Westpac accounts (Westpac is generally easier to manage the money with)
  2. Balance dispense
    • Run dispense acct | grep '^>' on motsugo, mantis or mussel to get a list of the "accounting" accounts, which will look something like this:

>additions     : $  -32.00 (internal)
>countersum    : $-2724.68 (internal)
>donations     : $    0.00 (internal)
>sales:coke    : $   21.93 (internal)
>sales:door    : $    0.00 (internal)
>sales:pseudo  : $    5.00 (internal)
>sales:snack   : $   42.00 (internal)

Semester Grants

Either using Neon or a library scanner, scan all recipients from the semester to a PDF. Use the .odt template from committee docs instead of a printed coversheet. Using GIMP to number the receipts works nicely too.

Phone Bills

Pay phone bills from the Guild account. See previous entries in the withdrawals book for how to do it.

Where do the GNUCash records live?

 /home/other/committee/GNUCash . Try to keep them there.

You can use X forwarding from a server that mounts /home and has GNUCash.

Or you can use sshfs.

  1. Find a linux machine with GNUCash installed. Currently Clownfish works.

  2. (First time only) make an empty directory. mkdir GNUCash or whatever you want to call it.

  3. Run in terminal: sshfs ssh:/home/other/committee/GNUCash GNUCash

  4. Open GNUCash. Navigate to the directory. Do the accounting.

uccwiki: HowToCommittee/Treasurer (last edited 2022-03-11 20:17:55 by BobAdamson)