As well as traditional routing, switching and filtering, UCC runs a number of network services to make life easier. == DNS == There is a BIND 9 installation on monnik, with domain data stored in {{{/etc/bind/domains}}}. To make DNS administration (ostensibly) simpler, A records for the and zones, and reverse lookups for UCC's subnets are managed through one file, {{{/etc/bind/domains/primary/ucc.machines}}}. From this, a UCC-made script called {{{}}} creates the actual zonefile to be loaded by BIND. The syntax for {{{ucc.machines}}} is fairly simple, and there is some documentation in {{{/etc/bind/domains/primary}}}. Server administration is in {{{/etc/bind/named.conf.local}}}. If you modify {{{ucc.machines}}} remember to run {{{}}}. If you modify anything, remember to run {{{rndc reload}}} to make sure your changes are loaded (also remember to increment the serial in the zonefile you're editing - but you already knew that, right?). Some wheel members find it useful to watch {{{daemon.log}}} to catch any errors in configuration as the server reloads. A good policy is to always run: {{{ rndc reload && tail -f /var/log/daemon.log }}} after you have been fiddling with DNS. == DHCP == DHCP runs on murasoi and its configuration file lives at {{{/etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf}}}. The same file is used for both assigning static addresses to clubroom machines (by MAC address) and to assign addresses from a pool to wireless clients and unknown new devices on the wired network. How to assign static IP addresses should be fairly self-evident from the plethora of other machines already set up with static addresses, but note that the IP address for any machine is inferred from DNS, not specified explicitly in the configuration file. Once you edit the DHCP config, you'll probably want to restart the DHCP server and keep an eye on the syslog (to watch murasoi assign an IP address to your new machine): {{{ service isc-dhcp-server restart && tail -f /var/log/syslog }}} Leases are visible in {{{/var/lib/dhcp/dhcpd.leases}}} - unfortunately because of ISC DHCP stupidness expired leases are still listed in this file and so you have to go digging around to find the most recent one. ---- CategorySystemAdministration