
O'Day happened on the 24th of February.


(I'm not doing this, but I really think we should have t-shirts made by O'Day. JamesAndrewartha's idea of "In Soviet Russia, Computer Clubs You" is awesome, we should get PennyWalkaden to do one of her pixelised drawings of a big club on a computer screen. -- DavidAdam) (Actually, yellow sickle and pixelised club would be awesome too.)

(I can put in the UCC order as the same time as the UniSFA order if someone asks politely. -- ChrisBobridge)

Grabbing New Members

As discussed at committee, we need to have some gimmicks at the O'Day stall.

Ideas include:


I'll make up some (2-4) big A0 posters at work on Thursday afternoon, and we can carry an old rack door down to stick them on, so perhaps we can think of some slogans?

{UCC Logo} Yes, we like computers a lot. So?

{UCC Logo} Home of Australia's only Internet- connected Coke machine

If we can come up with enough words, I would love to do a web 2.0 takeoff of one of those "tag" thingies, where some words are bigger than others (with UCC being the biggest word). Here is a start (some reordering required):

Done: Thanks to PXY DAA TRS. Preview here

What about this one? Done: Thanks to Ziph TRS DAA.

Marketing Spiel

Things to mention:

i think we should mention that the UCC is very cool, it has been around longer than the CS department, and that we have computers. ( [ZAR] )

Remember to take your sunglasses off and your earphones out if you're talking to people. Don't hide behind the table - stick a hat and some sunscreen on, and get out in front of the stall.



Sign Up

Volunteers to be around on O'Day:



People need to:

For Next Year


uccwiki: ODay2006 (last edited 2013-10-26 15:52:21 by BobAdamson)