Attachment 'Meeting'


   1 # Cameron Hall Quiz Night 2022: Meeting #1 - 11/07/2022
   3 #### Attending
   4 - Cowan Lee-Kelly
   5 - Jackie Shan
   6 - Chris Leak
   7 - Lilly Fowler
   8 - Gary O'Donovan
   9 - Thomas McGregor
  10 - Jamie McGregor
  12 #### Apologies
  13 - Lorenzo Iannuzzi
  15 **Meeting open**: 2:10 PM
  17 ### General
  18 - Motion to elect chair for the subcommittee
  19     - Jackie nominates Cowan (accepted)
  20     - Lilly nominates herself
  21     - Cowan is chair
  22 - Subcommittee structure: requires minute-taker and whip too
  23     - Chair: Cowan
  24     - Minute-taker: Jackie
  25     - Whip: Jackie
  26 - Lightmittee (everyone else/beurecratics):
  27     - Cowan (UniSFA)
  28     - Chris (Unigames)
  29     - Lilly (UCC)
  30     - Thomas (Panto)
  31 - Darkmittee (quiz-writers + hosts):
  32     - Lorenzo (UniSFA)
  33     - Jackie (Unigames)
  34     - Gary (UCC)
  35     - Jamie (Panto)
  36 - Has everybody approved the subcommittee regs
  37     - Panto hasn't
  38     > Panto: approve subcom regs at their next meeting
  39 - What is Cameron Hall Quiz Night?
  40     - its a quiz night (with bribes)
  42 ## Admin Stuff
  43 ### Date/Time
  44 - September
  45 - Aim for Thursday/Friday after study break (15th or 16th September) week 7
  46 - 6:30pm doors open, 7:00pm start
  47 ### Venue
  48 - Quiz Night is generally held at the Tavern
  49     - easy to transport things to
  50     - will need to discuss with the manager about security, catering, general bar use, venue capacity + number of tables etc
  51     - ![](
  52     > Cowan, Jackie: talk to Tav when semester 2 starts
  53     - Tav also does catering :)
  54 ### Finances
  55 - Expenses
  56     - Venue Hire
  57     - Catering
  58     - Advertising (Posters)
  59     - Prizes
  60         - every club agrees to a purchase $50 worth of prizes
  61         - has to be items purchased specifically for the event
  62         - clubs will get reimbursed the prize amount up to $50
  63         - wooden spoon prize to be discussed within darkmittee
  64         - aiming for a nice spread (good quantity) to ensure multiple tables get prizes
  65         > Everyone: talk to club about prizes (contacting sponsors etc)
  66     - Minigame expenses
  67 - Income
  68     - Tickets
  69     - Potential minigame income
  70 - Profit split
  71     - I propose that all profit is split evenly between the participating clubs currently in the subcommittee, and any excess unforeseen costs are split by the following arbitration process:
  72         - The subcommittee will endeavour to devise a split with the objective of minimizing harm to all involved clubs. This split will then be presented to all clubs for approval. Should any club fail to approve this split, this process will be taken to the Guild for oversight and arbitration.
  73     - passes unaminously
  74 > Jackie: make a quiz night budget
  76 ### Ticket Sales
  77 - tickets are generally sold in person
  78 - in the past, there is also an online ticket option with a slight surcharge as a cost for using online service + convenience (to ensure we're not losing money)
  79 - Panto has a QPay that can be used for event payments
  80 - UCC used eventbrite a couple weeks ago and it worked well
  81     - can ensure that the surcharge is covered by the ticket buyer
  82     - ~2.2% fee from memory
  83 - Eventbrite sounds like a good option for Quiz Night online sales
  84 - Ticket types: individual vs table tickets (8 people), early bird vs regular
  85 > Jackie: look for 2019 ticket pricing scheme
  86 - Ticket selling guide will be written for all clubs to follow to ensure proper handling of cash
  87     - keeping track of purchases
  88     - ensuring club money & quiz night money is kept seperate
  89 - we should have physical tickets :) !
  90 - set up a way to keep record of tickets sold
  92 ### Discussion re: extra clubs
  93 - Discussion on having extra clubs being involved
  94 - Cowan: this is a logistical nightmare
  95 - Cowan clarifies that being involve means helping organise the quiz night, and having them send in 2 reps to the subcommittee
  96     - this means 12 person meeting that becomes hard to organise
  97     - also balloons our quiz night rounds as theretically every club gets a club round
  98 - Cowan and Jackie have suggested one of the rounds be a "Guest Club Round"
  99     - having PCS, UWASCA, Uwanime give 3-4 questions to put into the round
 100     - good way to allow other clubs to be involved without having a 12 person subcommittee
 101     - they don't have any of the risk of being involved, and can participate, organise a club table, advertise etc
 103 ### EMP
 104 - fairly easy EMP to handle
 105 - UCC can't submit the EMP (no insurance 💀)
 106 - official event manager on the EMP will need to be sober the whole night
 107     - Chris nominates himself to be event manager
 108 > Chris: start on the EMP
 110 ## Quiz Night Structure
 111 - generally 10 rounds with ~2 breaks (minigames running in the breaks)
 112 - darkmittee to organise rounds by themself
 113 ### Minigames
 114 - "Chuck Money Towards The Prize If You're The Closest You Get The Prize" (monetised)
 115     - cowan stares at lorenzo's trans peg when we discuss possible prizes
 116 - Coin flip minigame (just for fun)
 117 - Get phone to stop exactly on 7 seconds
 118 - possible prize:
 119     - jug from the bar (discuss with the tav beforehand)
 120 - Chris suggests we make sure that the minigames we choose are easy to clean up
 122 ## Advertising
 123 ### Quiz Night Theme
 124 - Cowan wants to quickly take credit for coming up with a quic night theme
 125 - giving people a theme for the night to dress to is fun!
 126 - 2020: face-masquerade
 127 - 2021: 2000s
 128 - Brainstorm for 2022 theme
 129     - 70s disco
 130     - Secondhand Embarassment (opshop wardrobe)
 131     - Year 10 River Cruise
 132     - NFT
 133         - **>:(** - jackie
 134 > Everyone: think about quiz night themes
 135 ### Posters & Ticket
 136 - graphic design can be done after we figure out a theme
 137 - do we want to put out posters outside of Cameron Hall?
 138     - the event is largely attended by solely Cam Hall people
 139     - Lilly thinks it wouldn't hurt to advertise it outside, but it would impede our ability to estimate attendance (don't know the reach)
 140     - general consensus is keep posters inside of Cameron Hall
 141     - Lilly suggests trying to advertise outside of Cam Hall in future years
 143 ## Darkmittee Section
 144 - read old quizzes
 145     - so we don't repeat questions from recent years
 146 - look for feedback from prev quiz night rounds
 147 - look for spread of difficulty
 148 - questions shouldn't be about obscure texts, but rather obscure questions from popular texts
 149 - music round: need to go in and check everything works re: tech, sound etc
 150 - figure out round structure
 151     - what rounds, what order
 152 - start writing the quiz
 153 - start quiz slideshow (later)
 154 - host roster (who is hosting which round/running what minigame)
 155 - marking spreadsheet (get it from Cowan)
 156 - discuss how bribes work (bribe limit etc)
 158 **Meeting closed**: 3:38 PM
 160 ___
 162 ### Action Items:
 163 **Cowan:**
 164 > talk to Tav when semester 2 starts (with Jackie)
 166 **Jackie:**
 167 > talk to Tav when semester 2 starts (with Cowan)
 168 > make a quiz night budget
 169 > look for 2019 ticket pricing scheme
 171 **Chris:**
 172 > start on the EM
 174 **Panto:**
 175 > approve subcom regs at their next meeting
 177 **Everyone:**
 178 > talk to club about prizes (contacting sponsors etc)
 179 > think about quiz night themes

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