Attachment 'Meeting'


   1 # Cameron Hall Quiz Night 2022: Meeting #9 (Wrap Up) - 27/09/2022
   3 #### Attending
   4 - Chris Leak
   5 - Cowan Lee-Kelly
   6 - Cormac Sharkey (Proxy for UCC)
   7 - Jamie McGregor
   8 - Jackie Shan
   9 - Lorenzo Iannuzzi
  10 - Thomas McGregor
  12 #### Apologies
  13 - Lilly Fowler
  15 #### Absent
  16 - Gary O'Donovan
  18 **Meeting open**: 10:47am
  20 ### Previous Action Items:
  22 **Cowan:**
  23 - make on the night checklist - done
  25 **Jackie:**
  26 - write quick quiz marking guide for judges - done
  28 **Chris:**
  29 - write up "DONT COME IF SICK" announcement - done
  30 - add "bring loose change" to DONT COME IF SICK announcement - done
  32 **Lorenzo:**
  33 - make coin float - done
  35 **Thomas:**
  36 - double check what time eventbrite sales close - done
  38 **Everyone:**
  39 - take prize photo today!!! - done
  41 ## Admin Stuff
  43 ### Finances
  44 - we are missing a couple of receipts before profit division and financial statement can be written
  45     - UCC prizes receipt
  46     - how many tickets sold by UCC
  47     - how many tickets sold by Unigames
  48     - door tickets
  49 > Jackie: financial statement + send to discord
  50 - after it has been sent in discord we can approve it via circular, and then send it to committees to approve and then we can divide the profit
  51 - current estimate: more than $100 profit per club
  52 - well done everyone! 
  54 ## Feedback / Wrap Up
  55 ### Overall
  56 - pretty positive :)
  57 ### Round Feedback
  58 - most rounds seemed to get a decent? rating except for panto
  59     - panto also had the lowest average score: possible correlation
  60     - people didn't like the murder! at the circus question
  61 - couple people split on unigames round and music round
  62     - music was just unclear on what was applied to the track (reversing), be clearer about this in future
  63     - think about continuing to spice up music round
  64     - fiona suggests image puzzle for song
  65     - shouldn't depart too far, still have some of the questions should still be the classic (play song clip)
  66 - what's your major round is always a little tricky difficulty wise, the difficulty comes in the broad range of questions
  67 - think about spicing up minigames
  68     - people liked toss towards prize more than coin toss
  69 ### Logistics
  70 - most logistics were fine!
  71 - one felt it was a bit rushed
  72 - one wanted to start earlier/finish later
  73     - depends on the Tav
  74     - discussion to be had next year about starting earlier/ discussing with the Tav to keep kitchen open slightly longer?
  75     - could also have doors open earlier: allow people to settle?
  76 - consider assigning table locations to people who come
  77 - each quiz night judge should have a device to enter points instead of passing to one person
  78 - talk to Uwanime about how their quiz night does tables
  79 ### Ticketing
  80 - worked good
  81 - online sales went properly this year (passing on the surcharge to attendee)
  82     - lots of online sales
  83     - could potentially just do online tickets for quiz nights?
  84     - or maybe restrict it to one clubroom + online
  85         - this makes it easier for subcommittee to keep track
  86 ### Catering
  87 - we should try to smooth this out a lot
  88 - next year, try removing choice, each table default gets margherita + bowl of chips, message if dietary requirements
  89 - people will still be ordering food regardless of what pizza they get
  90 - remind people the Tav kitchen closes at a certain time a couple more times
  91     - start of event, round 2, etc
  92 ### Good Things
  93 - judges had a lot of energy :)
  94 - fun
  95 - theme was fun
  96 - event had lots of engagement
  97 - "jackie funny warrior cat question :)"
  98 - event flowed well (good pace)
  99 - thank god for tech check
 100     - except music round but that's Tav
 101     - right before music round, run to find Tav person to make sure music plays first try please
 102 - we had really high attendance this year! we've been hitting about 10 tables max the past couple years but we hit ~13 tables
 103     - think about chairs + tables next year
 104 ### Bad Things
 105 - loud/busy
 106     - inherent part of the event unfortunately
 107 - people wanted more time to socoalise
 108 - try and spread out the rounds a little bit
 109     - consider 2 rounds, small break while darkmittee marks
 110     - cut down to one minigame
 111 ### Prizes
 112 - remember to contact your sponsors in advance: they'll usually be happy to help you prepare boxes
 113 ### Attendance
 114 - about 95 attendees
 115 - 23 single tickets, 10 table tickets
 117 **Meeting closed**: 11:37am
 119 ___
 121 ### Action Items
 123 **Jackie:**
 124 - financial statement + send to discord

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