Differences between revisions 2 and 14 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2005-12-14 01:03:31
Size: 476
Comment: handbook link
Revision 14 as of 2010-05-17 15:56:01
Size: 825
Editor: TPG
Comment: Initial, Semester 1 2010
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This is an introduction to various data structures, eg singly- and doubly-linked lists, stacks, queues etc. Implementations are written in Java, which kind of defeats the point, but the core knowledge is essential for any programmer. Reimplement them in C as an academic exercise, but in actual programs you should use other people's well-debugged library versions. A relatively interesting unit, that provides a formal introduction to what many UCCans would have been doing for years.
It has a rather theoretical focus, and requires a semi-decent memory to keep track of the more esoteric techniques (from the semester 1, 2010 mid-semester test "What is a simplist", something that was only touched once in lectures).
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Taken by CaraMcNish in the past. The unit is recorded on lectopia (although LuigiBarone doesn't allow downloading, only streaming) and the lecture slides are easily avaliable on the unit webpage.
* 2010 Sem 1 - LuigiBarone
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[http://units.uwa.edu.au/CITS2200 Handbook link] The project and labs are all relatively simple, but the assessed language is Java, which can annoy some people.

[[http://undergraduate.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/CITS2200/|Unit Webpage]]
[[http://units.uwa.edu.au/CITS2200|Handbook Entry]]

A relatively interesting unit, that provides a formal introduction to what many UCCans would have been doing for years. It has a rather theoretical focus, and requires a semi-decent memory to keep track of the more esoteric techniques (from the semester 1, 2010 mid-semester test "What is a simplist", something that was only touched once in lectures).

The unit is recorded on lectopia (although LuigiBarone doesn't allow downloading, only streaming) and the lecture slides are easily avaliable on the unit webpage. Lecturers: * 2010 Sem 1 - LuigiBarone

The project and labs are all relatively simple, but the assessed language is Java, which can annoy some people.

Unit Webpage Handbook Entry
