
ESD looks like a really good unit on paper, and given the right coordinator it probably could be. In 2007, JamesTrevelyan was not that coordinator. Marking was arbitrary, subject to change without notice and inconsistent. Promises made by the teaching staff were counteracted or simply never kept. There was zero consistency between tutorial groups with regards to teaching quality, marking or content.

In 2007 there were two large assignments in the unit:

Craptastic assignments aside, the guest lecturers (there are quite a number of guest lectures) range from dead boring to quite interesting. Unfortunately you won't know how to relate the content in said lectures to what you're meant to be learning for the unit.

There was no accounting component in 2007.

In 2007 the exam was half multiple choice (with questions taken from a pre-provided sample quiz, though did require you to read a significant portion of the very poor set text) and half a 4-choose-1 1000-word essay, where the questions were provided in advance.

Taken in 2007 by JamesTrevelyan. Possibly taken in 2008 by MargotJupp.

Handbook entry


uccwiki: EngineeringForSustainableDevelopmentMECH4400 (last edited 2009-12-23 14:50:08 by localhost)