== The Door Lock == === 2013-06-19: Door Relay was upgraded to a KMtronic Two Channel USB Relay Controller. === Relay interface uses a baud rate of 9600. Valid commands include (in hex, without spaces): *"FF 01 00": Turn relay 01 OFF *"FF 01 01": Turn relay 01 ON *"FF 01 03": Retrieve relay 01 state. Returns "FF 01 00" for off, "FF 01 01" for on. *"FF 02 XX": Same as above, but for relay 02. Commands can be sent from the command line via '''echo -e "\xff\x01\x01" > /dev/ttyUSB0'''. The script '''merlo:/root/readrelay.sh''' retrieves and echoes the state of relay 01. Full documentation is available on the [[http://www.kmtronic.com/|KMtronic]] site. See [[http://www.kmtronic.com/kmmanuals.html|Manuals]] and [[http://www.kmtronic.com/software-examples.html|Software Examples]] for more information. The manual for this relay controller and fully functional shell script examples are available at [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/~door/kmtronic/]] === The Depths of Time === {{{ Hi All, The modem has now been replaced with the arduino and the small 5v relay board. It's working for now, but it's a hack and not even properly boxed up. [TPG] has already modified dispense to suit it. If it breaks, I'll let you keep the pieces. For posterity, here are the super-sekret settings and commands: Serial over USB connected to merlo, 115200 8n1 Type "2;" and it will respond with "1,The UCC door is alive;" Type "4;" and it will respond with "1,Opening door;" , keep the lock open for ten seconds and then say "1,Locking door;". The command codes are strange numbers because I hacked the CmdMessenger [1] library example to do the job. I've found using picocom to check it is easier than minicom. The following command* will start picocom with the correct baud rate and a command character of x: `picocom /dev/ttyUSB0 -e x -b 115200' Bob [1] http://arduino.cc/playground/Code/CmdMessenger }}} == Fixing the door lock == Symptom: Cries of "The door's broken." Door relay doesn't activate from snack machine, dispense or serial from Merlo.<
> Cause: The seeduino program seems to hang.<
> Fix: Restart seeduino (unplug/replug), then restart vendserver.<
> - [DTK] == Wiring == {{attachment:Door Relay Diagram.jpg|text door relay diagram image|width=1000}} 1. The power light should remain on at all time 1. The relay light should illuminate only when the door is unlocked, and otherwise be off. The Wires Are Connected as Follows: Lock - Con4 - Power Relay(C) - Con3 - Lock Power - Relay(NO) ---- CategorySystemAdministration