Differences between revisions 57 and 69 (spanning 12 versions)
Revision 57 as of 2008-01-06 20:49:05
Size: 2816
Editor: MarkTearle
Revision 69 as of 2008-09-14 20:24:10
Size: 113
Editor: 89
Comment: sdfbhsfbskjgbwriubsdkg, http://stebbinslyric.5x.to/security7375.html security,
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more
## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup.
#format wiki
#language en
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This is the UCC's wiki. You may have been looking for the [http://www.ucc.asn.au/ main UCC website].

[:HelpForBeginners:What is a wiki?] [wiki:UniSFAwiki:FrontPage UniSFA] has a wiki too.

= Items of Interest =
== Event Planning ==
 * ["ODay2008"]
== Club Stuff ==
 * ClubPurchases - the Club shopping list.
 * CleanUp - plans for future clubroom cleanups and rearrangements.
 * WebcamArchive - creating movies and archiving the webcam images to DVD.
 * NetworkStuff - the UCC network.
 * StuffToFix - list of things that need fixing
 * ["Website"] - keeping track of the always-obsolete website
 * EventPosters - posters from old events
== The UWA Pirate Handbook ==
(The University Computer Club denies all responsibility for the contents of the following categories. All opinions are expressed are probably those of the page editors, although the changelog should not be relied upon to provide a scapegoat.)

 * [:HowToWrite:How To Write For The Handbook] - a general guide on contributing.
 * [:CategoryUnits:UWA Units] - which ones to take, which ones (and lecturers) to avoid like the plague.
 * [:CategoryLecturers:UWA Lecturers] - our database of information on UWA Lecturers.
 * [:UWAPhones:UWA Phone Numbers] - all in one handy place.
 * [http://timetable.ucc.asn.au/ UWA Timetable] (with iCal support!)
 * You can use '''uwawhois''' on [http://ucc.asn.au/machines/martello.ucc martello] to query the uwa directory (since tartarus access has gone away).
= Getting Started with Wiki =
 * RecentChanges: see where people are currently working
 * WantedPages: referred pages still to be created
 * WikiSandBox: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing
 * FindPage: search or browse the database in various ways
 * SyntaxReference: quick access to wiki syntax
 * SiteNavigation: get an overview over this site and what it contains
 * EventStats/UserAgents: what browsers people use
== How to use this site ==
A Wiki is a collaborative site, anyone can contribute and share:

 * Edit any page by pressing '''[[GetText(Edit)]]''' at the top or the bottom of the page
 * Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox) or with {{{["quoted words in brackets"]}}}
 * Search for page titles or text within pages using the search box at the top of any page
 * See HelpForBeginners to get you going, HelpContents for all help pages.
To learn more about what a WikiWikiWeb is, read about MoinMoin:WhyWikiWorks and the MoinMoin:WikiNature. Also, consult the MoinMoin:WikiWikiWebFaq.
sdfbhsfbskjgbwriubsdkg, http://stebbinslyric.5x.to/security7375.html security, zztnqs,
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 . CategoryHomepage CategoryHomepage

sdfbhsfbskjgbwriubsdkg, http://stebbinslyric.5x.to/security7375.html security, zztnqs,
