## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more ## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup. ##master-page:FrontPage #format wiki #language en #pragma section-numbers off #acl Known:read,write,delete,revert All:read '''Welcome to the UCC wiki!''' You may have been looking for the [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/|main UCC website]]. This is a collection of all things UCC. There are guides on [[HowToUCC|using various services at UCC]], information about our [[Network]] and [[Machines]] and several lists such as [[TheftBook|what has been borrowed from the club]]. This wiki is open for anyone to read, make new articles or update existing ones. Every little bit of knowledge added helps everyone. == About the Club == * [[HowToUCC]] - New to UCC? You'll want to learn about our various services and how to do things. * [[HowToUCC/Dispense|Using dispense]] or another page at [[Dispense]] * [[HowToUCC/Email|Email]] - using your UCC email address * [[https://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/freshguide/index.ucc|Fresher guide]] * [[Nomenclature]] - why is everything named so weirdly?! * Groups - who are these [[DoorGroup|Door]], [[Committee]] and [[WheelGroup|Wheel]] people anyway!? * [[HowToCommittee]] - For current and future committee members. * Find our [[https://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/committee/|committee meeting minutes]] online! * [[TheftBook]] - keep track of things 'borrowed' by UCC members. * [[ChangeLog]] - the (hopefully) up-to-date list of what UCC members have been doing to its systems * [[Network]] - the UCC network in all its overcomplicated glory. * [[Wifi]] - How to get the UCC wifi working on your laptop. * [[Network/Firewall|Firewall]] - need to open a port? Easy! Just ask a [[WheelGroup|Wheel]] member. * [[Network/SwitchConfiguration|Switch Configuration]] - how to access and change the switch configuration * [[ActiveDirectory]] and our [[NewActiveDirectory|plans to fix it]]. * [[Backups]] - see where your files end up * [[Network/Services|Network services]] - including DHCP and DNS * [[LDAP]] - not used in UCC any more * [[LDAP/LazySysadmin|Lazy Sysadmin Guide to LDAP]] * [[Machines]] - an infrequently updated list of our computery things. * [[ClubroomDesktops]] - what computers and specs do we have in the clubroom * [[CokeMachine]] - feeling thirsty? * [[SnackMachine]] - or hungry? * [[Hologram]] - our smaller 3D printer * [[Mojave]] - our current aircon * [[StandardOperatingEnvironment]] - ''most'' things are configured ''mostly'' the same * [[MemberServices]] - services that are available for UCC members to use * [[VersionControl]] - including [[GitLab]] * [[HowToUCC/Email]] - your UCC email address * [[Proxmox]] - get your own virtual machine (VM) hosted at UCC * [[HowToUCC/SSH|SSH]] - login to the UCC servers remotely, and much more! * [[Systems/Web|Web hosting]] - create and host your own website * [[Tech_Support]] * [[VPN]] - connect securely to the UCC from anywhere * [[AnycubicKosselPlus|3D Printing]] - we have a working 3D printer, and you can use it! * [[AppleDeveloper]] - Xcode, Apple SDK, skip the $100 subscription fee! * [[MissionControl]] - the first stop for Wheel members and interested others. * [[Events]] - UCC runs events during the semester, holidays and more! * [[History]] - what we know about what UCC once was * [[MoneyMoneyMoney]] - as of 2018 we have $56k in the bank * [[Clubroom Life]] - Clubroom antics == Going further == [[Cabal|Nobody really knows]] what kinds of things have been put on the wiki. Have a look at [[TitleIndex]] to see what pages we have, and maybe you can contribute to keep this wiki up to date! ------- == Miscellaneous Outdated Stuff == * [[Tech_Talks|Tech Talks]] - We do tech-talks, come here to find out more. * [[Steam]] - It's built broken; how to fix it on clubroom machines. * [[OffTopic]] - Pages that don't belong on the UCC wiki. * [[ClubPurchases]] - the Club shopping list. * [[CleanUp]] - plans for future clubroom cleanups and rearrangements. * [[WebcamArchive]] - creating movies and archiving the webcam images to DVD. * [[StuffToFix]] - list of things that need fixing. * [[Website]] - keeping track of the always-obsolete website. * [[EventPosters]] - posters from old events. * [[MovieNight]] - Monday Nights at the Movies * [[Pizza]] === The UWA Pirate Handbook === ''The University Computer Club denies all responsibility for the contents of the following categories. All opinions are expressed are probably those of the page editors.'' * [[HowToWrite|How To Write For The Handbook]] - a general guide on contributing. * [[CategoryUnits|UWA Units]] - which ones to take, which ones (and lecturers) to avoid like the plague. * [[CategoryLecturers|UWA Lecturers]] - our database of information on UWA Lecturers. * [[UWAPhones|UWA Phone Numbers]] - all in one handy place. * [[http://timetable.ucc.asn.au/|UWA Timetable]] (with iCal support!) * You can use '''uwawhois''' on [[http://ucc.asn.au/machines/martello.ucc|martello]] to query the uwa directory (since tartarus access has gone away). == How to use the wiki == The UCC relies on voluntary contributions to keep the wiki up to date, anyone can contribute and share. * [[HelpForBeginners|What is a wiki?]] * Edit any page by pressing '''<>''' at the top or the bottom of the page * Create a link to another page with joined capitalized words (like WikiSandBox) or with {{{[[words in brackets]]}}} * Search for page titles or text within pages using the search box at the top of any page * See HelpForBeginners to get you going, HelpContents for all help pages. === Getting Started with Moin Wiki === The UCC wiki is (currently) powered by Moin Wiki. It's horribly slow and badly needs an update, but before that happens here are some handy pages to look at: * RecentChanges: see where people are currently working * WantedPages: referred pages still to be created * WikiSandBox: feel free to change this page and experiment with editing * FindPage: search or browse the database in various ways * HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax: quick access to wiki syntax * SiteNavigation: get an overview over this site and what it contains ---- . CategoryHomepage