
In 2006 this unit had two halves, taken by Dr. FranzSchlagenhaufer and A/Prof. BrettNener. Franz's section mainly covers the principles of electromagnetic interference, treating it as a soft, fuzzy science. Whilst there are equations to solve, they rarely feature more than one unknown. Once you get past the accent, his sense of humour is occasionally worth getting to the 9am lectures for. The assignments are reasonable, and his marking in tests is pretty generous.

Brett's section deals with the more hands-on maths - Smith charts and the theory and mathematics to complement it. It certainly forces you to have a good understanding, but the material can be pretty heavy at times. Linux users should install linsmith and play around with it to get their head around what's happening. There's also a nice googleable LaTeX source for Smith charts which can make your assignments look seriously spiffy, if you swing that way (LaTeX).

The provided lecture notes for both halves of the unit give a pretty good summary of everything you need to know, but Franz's notes aren't always the clearest if you're actually wanting to learn from them.

This unit is not available in 2007.

Unit website

Handbook entry


uccwiki: HighFrequencyElectronicSystemsENGT4303 (last edited 2009-12-23 14:50:15 by localhost)