
n. an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay

How/where the machine was obtained

History prior to arriving to UCC

Patience was one of the machines that UCC received from Electrical Engineering at the end of Semester 2 2009.

UCC machine history

Ever since it arrived, patience has been a contentious issue due to many members believing it to be a waste of space, while others think that it is one of the more "useful" club machines.

Current machine tasks

Currently, patience is used primarily as a "work" machine as it is unable to play steam games so is usually free for use.

Current software configuration

Current hardware configuration

Future plans for the machine

Depending on which camp wins the conflict about its usefulness, it will either gain a new harddisk or be thrown out the window.

Thanks to:


uccwiki: Patience (last edited 2009-12-23 14:51:11 by localhost)