{{{ Pluto is the Roman God of the underworld, not a planet }}} == History prior to arriving to UCC == Pluto was Bob's desktop box, then Bob's fiddling server, then Bob's foot rest...so don't be too concerned about blowing it up. == UCC machine history == Was donated after the Great Storm of Perth to replace Coblet, which got the brunt of the rain on the projects bench. == Current machine tasks == Projects bench machine. [BOB] will hunt down and slowly torture anyone who uses it for gaming. == Current software configuration == Debian Lenny, and WinXP === Useful utilities installed === * EagleCAD (trail version) * Tortoise SVN * AVR studio with winAVR * Most libraries for compiling * Minicom, Microcom, and Picocom (linux serial communication programs) == Notes == It is not a secure computer, and isn't on the ucc domain - so don't expect it to be safe to do your personal banking on == Current hardware configuration == Celeron 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM, 200GB Hard Disk == Future plans for the machine == Install more useful utilities on it to configure microcontrollers with. == Thanks to: == [BOB] for the donation == Related Sites == http://www.ucc.asn.au/services/tools.ucc ---- CategoryMachines