
UCC Programming Competition

You are wasting your time; most people will think the competition is stupid (and people that don't will not bother entering anyway).

Previous Programming Competitions

Choosing a Theme

The 2000 competition was a "make the most interesting simulation" thing, and 2002 had several Codejam style problems. From 2010 onwards the themes involved some sort of "battle" system, and possibly game theory. This hasn't proven very popular so far.

Make sure you choose a theme that doesn't require entrants to write more than a few hundred lines of code at the most, or no one will be bothered to enter. However, the theme should be complex enough to give people freedom to try a range of strategies.

Also, even if the theme sounds remotely complicated (eg: "Quantum Chess") it doesn't matter how little code people actually have to write, they'll be too scared to investigate further.

Designing the Judging System

For battle systems, you will need a manager program to interface the different entries. You will also need a program to judge the competition (this may be the same program, depending on the complexity of your theme).

To make things easy for competitors, entries should just write to standard out and read from standard in, and not have to worry about inter-process communication. Whoever writes the manager program (hint: Its you) will have to worry about that. Look at the previous competitions for source code that might be useful.


Competition VM

Don't run random people's code on servers or club room machines!

Except in 2012, where [SZM] destroyed the VM and [DJA] let him use sigma

Past progcomp servers

General Stuff about the server





uccwiki: Progcomp (last edited 2013-12-10 00:07:14 by SamMoore)