Differences between revisions 1 and 3 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2013-02-21 23:32:36
Size: 1539
Editor: David Gow
Comment: We advertise this page in the Fresher Guide, so it should probably exist.
Revision 3 as of 2024-01-02 08:10:39
Size: 24
Editor: ConorBennett
Comment: Replace with redirect to the more complete HowToUCC/SSH page
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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`ssh` is a program used to remotely connect to UCC [[Machines|machines]] and services. It can be used from wherever there is an internet connection, and there are clients available for pretty much every device under the sun.

Have a look at 2012's [[http://sulix.ucc.asn.au/ucctalk2012-learn2linux.pdf|Learn2Linux slides]] if you're stuck, or simple instructions follow.

= Windows =

On windows systems, you'll want to use the `PuTTY` or `KiTTY`.

 1. [[http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/|Download]] `PuTTY`.
 1. Run it.
 1. Enter the name of the computer you want to connect to in the `Host Name` box. You'll probably want {{{motsugo.ucc.asn.au}}}
 1. Click `Open`.
 1. You may get a message asking you to verify the host key the first time you're connecting. Don't panic.
 1. Type your UCC username and password. Nothing will show up when entering your password: this is normal.
 1. Congratulations! You've connected to a UCC server!

= Linux / Mac =

Almost all Mac or Linux machines come with an `ssh` client installed. Simply:

 1. Open a terminal/command prompt/console.
 1. Type {{{ssh <username>@<server>}}}, where `username` is your UCC username and `server` is the server you're trying to connect to, probably {{{motsugo.ucc.asn.au}}}.
 1. If you get a message asking you to verify the host key the first time you connect, type {{{yes}}} and hit enter. You have to type {{{yes}}}, {{{y}}} won't cut it!
 1. Enter your password and press enter.
 1. Congratulations! You've now logged in.