
Phones on campus tend to be 6488 XXXX. Also available at sip:[email protected]. 5 digit extensions are Internal-only, with no corresponding indial number and no outdial facilities.


3901 - UCC


3814 - SISO
1706 - bat phone
7950 - Mark [MTL]
5081 - Matt [MRD]

EE labs

1661 - G01
1662 - G02
3830 - G50
3824 - 1.51
3823 - 2.71 (was "temporarily out of service" on 20060417)

7246 - Computer Support

Corridor phones:
9109X - X is the floor, 0 for ground. 



93883795 - Ref
93881748 - Ref (?)
93883796 - Maths
93898718 - Reid outside
93898764 - CS
93898736 - Physics
93898681 - Law
93898495 - Chem (?)
93898564 - Eng
93898457 - Biol library
93898219 - Arts
93898185 - Another arts (?)
93896056 - Myers st building
93883794 - Physrec
93898643 - Caporn st near broadway
93898254 - Cooper st near broadway
93898256 - Copper st near broadway
93898618 - Parkway near cooper st
93898624 - Princess rd near broadway
93898703 - uwa library coffee?

uccwiki: UWAPhones (last edited 2011-10-02 21:31:59 by r180-216-36-156)