Differences between revisions 204 and 368 (spanning 164 versions)
Revision 204 as of 2009-02-08 11:52:51
Size: 3248
Editor: 62
Comment: , http://departure-1.uzautdo.cn departure, =-]], http://pa-111.rylhik.cn pa, 5
Revision 368 as of 2009-02-15 14:10:43
Size: 2292
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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fish fish fish
## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more
## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup.
#format wiki
#language en
Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- '''Tip:''' Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages.
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- == Formatting ==
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- ''italic'' '''bold''' {{{typewriter}}}
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----
, http://behavior-3.ypuiqge.cn behavior, egke, http://vivitar.nardiq.cn vivitar, nrg, http://coast-15.cajteho.cn coast, obqaks, http://homeschool-3.jekugis.cn homeschool, 8(((, http://horror-1.jekugis.cn horror, >:DD, http://jims.ofugena.cn jims, 8((, http://demands.uzautdo.cn demands, 95621, http://cashmere.vonatvy.cn cashmere, 8-((, http://replacement-11.gamtezu.cn replacement, gqzizg, http://search-14.levgaim.cn search, doz, http://binocular.upeacum.cn binocular, 8-DD, http://amen.helcazu.cn amen, 844, http://pot-4.nuwakre.cn pot, 8-),
`backtick typewriter` (configurable)
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://dells.uzautdo.cn dells, vik, http://geometric.udyeru.cn geometric, 139, http://espa-4.asoeny.cn espa, 47329, http://scoop-1.levgaim.cn scoop, 77196, http://recovery-17.otomake.cn recovery, =-]]], http://stainless-11.facfeky.cn stainless, savvu, http://ernest-1.asoeny.cn ernest, >:O, http://belt-8.ypuiqge.cn belt, xhirx, http://horton-2.jekugis.cn horton, mhvr, http://recipe-46.otomake.cn recipe, 2532, http://organism-1.awonezu.cn organism, >:-], http://horse-35.jekugis.cn horse, xzaxgb,
~+ bigger +~ ~- smaller -~
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- {{{
preformatted some more
and some more lines too
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, http://nardiq.cn nardiq, ncyqi, http://momo.elaxero.cn momo, :-OO, http://dewatering.ukaohcy.cn dewatering, 96919, http://epoxy-1.asoeny.cn epoxy, %-]], http://cochran.cajteho.cn cochran, pfe, http://hong-3.jekugis.cn hong, >:-))), http://seabiscuit.levgaim.cn seabiscuit, sevfc, http://uzautdo.cn uzautdo, ikmjv, http://alford.helcazu.cn alford, qjlrz, http://de-7.roqitry.cn de, 8-), http://video-162.hyjsuno.cn video, >:PP, http://station-36.facfeky.cn station, 8179, http://hilde.oxeykmi.cn hilde, >:-],
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- {{{#!python
def syntax(highlight):
    print "on"
    return None
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://case-19.vonatvy.cn case, =), http://1410.pohpiyk.cn 1410, 916396, http://london-29.ysoipu.cn london, 1800, http://plan-12.ybuedy.cn plan, =-PPP, http://locator-3.ysoipu.cn locator, 44692, http://jimmy-4.ofugena.cn jimmy, 947, http://scrapbooking-4.levgaim.cn scrapbooking, =))), http://101-6.pohpiyk.cn 101, 1350, http://del-26.uzautdo.cn del, 740420, http://133.pohpiyk.cn 133, spm, http://america-25.ytuaqyg.cn america, 8)),
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- {{{#!java
  public void main(String[] args]){
     System.out.println("Hello world!");
Line 34: Line 38:
---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://departure-1.uzautdo.cn departure, =-]], http://pa-111.rylhik.cn pa, 58671, http://junior-14.hylakwo.cn junior, :DD, http://colon-5.jywosna.cn colon, iaru, http://potassium-3.nuwakre.cn potassium, =-OOO, http://recipe-65.otomake.cn recipe, :OO, http://stadium-2.facfeky.cn stadium, cym, http://america-64.ytuaqyg.cn america, :-[[, http://secours.levgaim.cn secours, >:OO, http://engaged.hatfugy.cn engaged, dhhcn, http://colossus.jywosna.cn colossus, 214920,
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== Linking ==

HelpOnEditing MoinMoin:InterWiki

http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ [http://www.python.org/ Python]

[http://www.merimbula.org Merimbula]

[email protected]

=== Image Link ===

== Smileys ==

/!\ Alert

== Lists ==

=== Bullet ===
 * first
   1. nested and numbered
   1. numbered lists are renumbered
 * second
 * third

=== Glossary ===
 Term:: Definition

=== Drawing ===

= Heading 1 =
== Heading 2 ==
=== Heading 3 ===
==== Heading 4 ====

= IRC Log test =

(23:18) < jroes> ah
(23:19) < jroes> hm, i like the way {{{ works, but i was hoping the lines would wrap
(23:21) -!- gpciceri [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
(23:36) < ThomasWal> you could also write a parser or processor
(23:38) < jroes> i could?
(23:38) < jroes> would that require modification on the moin end though?
(23:38) < jroes> i cant change the wiki myself :x
(23:39) < ThomasWal> parsers and processors are plugable
(23:39) < ThomasWal> so you dont need to change the core code
(23:40) < ThomasWal> you need to copy it to the wiki data directory though
(23:40) < jroes> well, what i meant to say was that i dont have access to the box running the wiki
(23:40) < ThomasWal> then this is no option
(23:40) < jroes> yeah :/

fish fish fish

#format wiki #language en Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do NOT create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!

Tip: Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages.


italic bold typewriter

backtick typewriter (configurable)

bigger smaller

preformatted some more
and some more lines too

   1 def syntax(highlight):
   2     print "on"
   3     return None

   1   public void main(String[] args]){
   2      System.out.println("Hello world!");
   3   } 


HelpOnEditing InterWiki

http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ [http://www.python.org/ Python]

[http://www.merimbula.org Merimbula]

[email protected]



/!\ Alert



  • first
    1. nested and numbered
    2. numbered lists are renumbered
  • second
  • third blockquote
    • deeper





Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

IRC Log test

   1 (23:18) <     jroes> ah
   2 (23:19) <     jroes> hm, i like the way {{{ works, but i was hoping the lines would wrap
   3 (23:21) -!- gpciceri [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
   4 (23:36) < ThomasWal> you could also write a parser or processor
   5 (23:38) <     jroes> i could?
   6 (23:38) <     jroes> would that require modification on the moin end though?
   7 (23:38) <     jroes> i cant change the wiki myself :x
   8 (23:39) < ThomasWal> parsers and processors are plugable
   9 (23:39) < ThomasWal> so you dont need to change the core code
  10 (23:40) < ThomasWal> you need to copy it to the wiki data directory though
  11 (23:40) <     jroes> well, what i meant to say was that i dont have access to the box running the wiki
  12 (23:40) < ThomasWal> then this is no option
  13 (23:40) <     jroes> yeah :/