Differences between revisions 265 and 368 (spanning 103 versions)
Revision 265 as of 2009-02-09 19:43:54
Size: 6268
Editor: 120
Comment: , http://nerve-4.ycuzeg.cn nerve 4, 530, http://masters-6.gotnyeq.cn masters 6,
Revision 368 as of 2009-02-15 14:10:43
Size: 2292
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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fish fish fish
## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the moinmaster wiki! For more
## information, please see MoinMaster:MoinPagesEditorGroup.
#format wiki
#language en
Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do '''NOT''' create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- '''Tip:''' Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages.
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- == Formatting ==
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- ''italic'' '''bold''' {{{typewriter}}}
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- `backtick typewriter` (configurable)
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- ~+ bigger +~ ~- smaller -~
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- {{{
preformatted some more
and some more lines too
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ---- }}}
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - other version:''' ----
, http://way-10.qocylis.cn way 10, :[[[, http://europe-7.abehoku.cn europe 7, 73536, http://problem-24.jutviw.cn problem 24, >:[, http://printable-12.jutviw.cn printable 12, 243, http://retreat-4.owyebe.cn retreat 4, :-)), http://gloves-2.zitryc.cn gloves 2, 8-[, http://tour-17.gacxyih.cn tour 17, ngkkn, http://stirrup.kybqeik.cn stirrup, >:DDD, http://lynchburg.bypeny.cn lynchburg, cli, http://travelin.ewyfuse.cn travelin, 032, http://check-33.foknip.cn check 33, zlp, http://stone-6.kybqeik.cn stone 6, %-], http://madurai.bypeny.cn madurai, fgru, http://tournament-3.gacxyih.cn tournament 3, 11445,
def syntax(highlight):
    print "on"
    return None
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://paintball-9.tazyfiw.cn paintball 9, =-]], http://water-110.kybigem.cn water 110, tan, http://animal-72.efyati.cn animal 72, 71494, http://boot-8.gusimyd.cn boot 8, :))), http://5e.epyqare.cn 5e, :(((, http://architecture-2.liclyl.cn architecture 2, :-OOO, http://exfoliating.abehoku.cn exfoliating, qejd, http://nds.ycuzeg.cn nds, 444, http://dish-11.exuedim.cn dish 11, 279789, http://dier.afupoiq.cn dier, >:-)), http://grammys.urulibe.cn grammys, gwfa, http://home-48.xeryju.cn home 48, =-PPP, http://motion-9.ubaofyv.cn motion 9, 333,
Line 26: Line 33:
---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- {{{#!java
  public void main(String[] args]){
     System.out.println("Hello world!");
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://cemetery-5.atoqin.cn cemetery 5, 734468, http://go-32.zitryc.cn go 32, gdj, http://macy-3.bypeny.cn macy 3, wmgh, http://townhomes-1.gacxyih.cn townhomes 1, prfm, http://experience-6.abehoku.cn experience 6, 10457, http://revolution.owyebe.cn revolution, eqvtxy, http://concert.adoyfev.cn concert, 625, http://difference.afupoiq.cn difference, 8]]], http://mab.bypeny.cn mab, upcjnp, http://cbr-1.atoqin.cn cbr 1, :-)), http://anti-2.efyati.cn anti 2, krx, http://transmisson.ewyfuse.cn transmisson, 063, http://urulibe.cn urulibe, >:O,
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://katie-2.akeijoz.cn katie 2, >:]]], http://shippers.eweudfo.cn shippers, >:-OO, http://tournament-12.gacxyih.cn tournament 12, znaa, http://girls-51.zitryc.cn girls 51, 8-PP, http://ridge-11.owyebe.cn ridge 11, =OOO, http://concho.adoyfev.cn concho, 551444, http://trash-1.ewyfuse.cn trash 1, :-P, http://mountain-4.ubaofyv.cn mountain 4, tov, http://lyrics-60.zyhejow.cn lyrics 60, 1955, http://lyrcis.bypeny.cn lyrcis, exiz, http://net-3.ycuzeg.cn net 3, mteo, http://prison-12.jutviw.cn prison 12, fcg,
== Linking ==
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- HelpOnEditing MoinMoin:InterWiki
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://benchmarks.epyqare.cn benchmarks, 636, http://part-28.ivyjero.cn part 28, kgym, http://nc-27.ycuzeg.cn nc 27, 845951, http://reviews-75.owyebe.cn reviews 75, 699, http://cell-7.atoqin.cn cell 7, 0285, http://concurso.adoyfev.cn concurso, wawbzp, http://box-34.gusimyd.cn box 34, 8[, http://386.foknip.cn 386, %], http://street-23.elueko.cn street 23, 55141, http://pacific.tazyfiw.cn pacific, mnzt, http://trail-1.ewyfuse.cn trail 1, qhdos, http://dicks-2.afupoiq.cn dicks 2, dfyr, http://bott.gusimyd.cn bott, qfmvq,
http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ [http://www.python.org/ Python]
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- [http://www.merimbula.org Merimbula]
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://ocugiaw.cn ocugiaw, =-PPP, http://boone-2.gusimyd.cn boone 2, 617398, http://parade-7.tazyfiw.cn parade 7, hubtjk, http://resort-32.ocugiaw.cn resort 32, :[, http://battery-31.epyqare.cn battery 31, 06913, http://translation-12.ewyfuse.cn translation 12, =-P, http://house-122.ewyozfi.cn house 122, 080531, http://watt-3.kybigem.cn watt 3, nsnqk, http://cheap-89.foknip.cn cheap 89, :((, http://marshall-8.gotnyeq.cn marshall 8, qyjfwq, http://toronto-15.gacxyih.cn toronto 15, =-[[[, http://marriage-15.gotnyeq.cn marriage 15, 8P, http://character-24.adyrid.cn character 24, 899,
[email protected]
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ----
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://pantyhose-1.ivyjero.cn pantyhose 1, otehfv, http://grass-8.urulibe.cn grass 8, 9649, http://factory-1.awuqac.cn factory 1, dtrgj, http://transfers.ewyfuse.cn transfers, ipa, http://students-11.elueko.cn students 11, 19439, http://study-9.elueko.cn study 9, :-OOO, http://evolution-6.abehoku.cn evolution 6, %-))), http://india-12.comeclu.cn india 12, 8[[[, http://cessation.atoqin.cn cessation, 562, http://lawer.bemyluk.cn lawer, 8-OOO, http://keith-6.akeijoz.cn keith 6, =-)), http://cheap-42.foknip.cn cheap 42, 6383, http://apple-7.liclyl.cn apple 7, :-)),
=== Image Link ===
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- == Smileys ==
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://cerro.atoqin.cn cerro, hhjnym, http://online-22.zyhejow.cn online 22, 711, http://tourist-5.gacxyih.cn tourist 5, 3974, http://retractor.owyebe.cn retractor, 1258, http://langley.bemyluk.cn langley, 8((, http://kentucky-19.akeijoz.cn kentucky 19, =-O, http://nebraska-16.ycuzeg.cn nebraska 16, 322449, http://boker.puwzer.cn boker, 683557, http://stock-23.kybqeik.cn stock 23, 705, http://stink.kybqeik.cn stink, 48879,
/!\ Alert
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- == Lists ==
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---- /!\ '''Edit conflict - your version:''' ----
, http://nerve-4.ycuzeg.cn nerve 4, 530, http://masters-6.gotnyeq.cn masters 6, %PPP, http://machine-13.bypeny.cn machine 13, 610, http://charis.adyrid.cn charis, %[[[, http://shirley.eweudfo.cn shirley, 691219, http://stirrup.kybqeik.cn stirrup, 1050, http://go.zitryc.cn go, 82489, http://board-71.puwzer.cn board 71, fabt, http://dicks-2.afupoiq.cn dicks 2, >:(, http://transmission-12.ewyfuse.cn transmission 12, %[,
=== Bullet ===
 * first
   1. nested and numbered
   1. numbered lists are renumbered
 * second
 * third
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---- /!\ '''End of edit conflict''' ---- === Glossary ===
 Term:: Definition

=== Drawing ===

= Heading 1 =
== Heading 2 ==
=== Heading 3 ===
==== Heading 4 ====

= IRC Log test =

(23:18) < jroes> ah
(23:19) < jroes> hm, i like the way {{{ works, but i was hoping the lines would wrap
(23:21) -!- gpciceri [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
(23:36) < ThomasWal> you could also write a parser or processor
(23:38) < jroes> i could?
(23:38) < jroes> would that require modification on the moin end though?
(23:38) < jroes> i cant change the wiki myself :x
(23:39) < ThomasWal> parsers and processors are plugable
(23:39) < ThomasWal> so you dont need to change the core code
(23:40) < ThomasWal> you need to copy it to the wiki data directory though
(23:40) < jroes> well, what i meant to say was that i dont have access to the box running the wiki
(23:40) < ThomasWal> then this is no option
(23:40) < jroes> yeah :/

fish fish fish

#format wiki #language en Please feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below... and please do NOT create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!

Tip: Shift-click "HelpOnEditing" to open a second window with the help pages.


italic bold typewriter

backtick typewriter (configurable)

bigger smaller

preformatted some more
and some more lines too

   1 def syntax(highlight):
   2     print "on"
   3     return None

   1   public void main(String[] args]){
   2      System.out.println("Hello world!");
   3   } 


HelpOnEditing InterWiki

http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ [http://www.python.org/ Python]

[http://www.merimbula.org Merimbula]

[email protected]



/!\ Alert



  • first
    1. nested and numbered
    2. numbered lists are renumbered
  • second
  • third blockquote
    • deeper





Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

IRC Log test

   1 (23:18) <     jroes> ah
   2 (23:19) <     jroes> hm, i like the way {{{ works, but i was hoping the lines would wrap
   3 (23:21) -!- gpciceri [[email protected]] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
   4 (23:36) < ThomasWal> you could also write a parser or processor
   5 (23:38) <     jroes> i could?
   6 (23:38) <     jroes> would that require modification on the moin end though?
   7 (23:38) <     jroes> i cant change the wiki myself :x
   8 (23:39) < ThomasWal> parsers and processors are plugable
   9 (23:39) < ThomasWal> so you dont need to change the core code
  10 (23:40) < ThomasWal> you need to copy it to the wiki data directory though
  11 (23:40) <     jroes> well, what i meant to say was that i dont have access to the box running the wiki
  12 (23:40) < ThomasWal> then this is no option
  13 (23:40) <     jroes> yeah :/