The UCC has been around for a long time, this is an attempt to collect the names of everyone who has served on the UCC committee during that time.
Year |
President |
Vice President |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Fresher Rep |
OCMs |
2025 |
Gary O'Donovan [GPO] |
Ariel Carter [KKZ] |
Lorenzo Iannuzzi [I2N] |
Diarmuid O'Connor [DOC] |
Krys Maher [KRY] |
Freya Andromeda [TWA], Sebastian Gazey [SEB], Isobella Gray [IGS] |
2024 |
Grace Fowler [BLU] |
Sebastian Gazey [SEB] |
Gary O'Donovan [GPO] |
Ariel Carter [KKZ] |
Lyla Peng [SVN] |
Diarmuid O'Connor [DOC], Roy Xu [ROY], Lauren Pudney [LHP] |
2023 |
Grace Fowler [BLU] |
Lorenzo Iannuzzi [I2N] |
Gary O'Donovan [GPO] |
Ariel Carter [KKZ] |
Celine Wang [LTX] |
Cormac Sharkey [BRD], Lara Frcej [MCW], Bryce O'Connor [BRZ] |
2022 |
Cormac Sharkey [BRD] |
Grace Fowler [BLU] |
Gary O'Donovan [GPO] |
Lara Frcej [MCW] |
Conor Bennett [CJN] |
Daniel Ledovsky [->|], Liam Hammond [LMH] until 2022/08/30 then Ariel Carter [KKZ], neromirt until 2022/08/30 then Djimon Jayasundera [DDJ] |
2021 |
Timothy Chapman [TEC] |
James Arcus [MPT] |
Liam Hammond [LMH] |
Grace Fowler [BLU] |
Alex Barker [EGG] |
Nicholas Clements [HET], Alistair Parkinson [APA], Benjamin Wright [OKC] |
2020 |
James Arcus [MPT] |
Timothy E. Chapman [TEC] |
Grace Rosario [MLG] |
Alexie Wallace [PQZ] |
Cormac Sharkey [BRD] |
Matt Winslade [MVP], Charlie Owens [AAA], Nicholas Clements |
2019 |
Felix von Perger [FVP] |
James Arcus [MPT] |
Tom H. Almeida [THA] |
Melissa Star [MSX] until 2019/04/06, then Grace Rosario [MLG] |
Albert Smith [420] |
Timothy E. Chapman [TEC], David Adams [DBA] until 2019/08/01 then Matt Winslade [MVP], James Myburgh [JGM] |
2018 |
Andrew Gozzard [GOZ] until 2018/10/03, then Felix von Perger [FVP] from 2018/10/23 |
William R. Chesnutt [JWB] until 2018/10/23, then Tom H. Almeida [THA] |
Zack Wong [CFE] |
Felix von Perger [FVP] until 2018/10/23, then William Leyland [042] |
Caira Bayman [GIR] |
Alden Bong [CHB], CY Lo [LCY], C. C. Blake [KAT] until 2018/08/08, then Tom H. Almeida [THA] from 2019/09/04 until 2018/10/23, then James Arcus [MPT] |
The club reverted to an 8 person committee in December 2017 and the positions transitioned at the 2018 AGM.
Year |
President |
Education Vice President |
Social Vice President |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Fresher Rep |
Education Officer |
Social Officer |
OCMs |
2017 |
Chris Forbes [DJF] |
Roland Kerr [LDT] |
Arend Pramoko [KEK] |
Alex Thatcher [AJT] |
Jeremy Cole [M12] until 20170419 then Ruisi Chen [RYS] from 20170502 then Oscar Hermoso [CHS] from 20171220 |
Declan Tanna [] until 20170914 then William R. Chesnutt [JWB] |
Cam Locke [DIE] |
Robert Hortin [ROB] |
Zack Wong [CFE], Alfred Burgess [TBB] until 20170502 then Nic Coetzer [BIG] from 20170502 |
2016 |
Oscar Hermoso [CHS] |
Alfred Burgess [TBB] |
Elton Rodrigues [EAR] |
Chris Forbes [DJF] |
Cain Nixey [BLZ] until 20161014 then Alex Sosin [SOS] from 20161021 then [BLZ] again from 20170208 |
Alex Sosin [SOS] until 20161021 then Hock Yew Tan |
Andrew Seeley [AMS] to 20161021 then Roland Kerr [LDT] |
Shahzad Siddiqui [MMM] then Cam Locke from 20170208 |
Samuel Shenton [SAS], Jake Alexander [JMA] |
2015 |
Andrew Gozzard [GOZ] then Mitchell Pomery [BG3] from 20151020 onwards |
Emma Krantz [EJK] |
Trent Bersan [TJB] |
Jordan Meerwald [JDN] |
Oscar Hermoso [CHS] |
Andre Strydom [LDA] |
Andrew Seeley [AMS] |
Ryan Hall [HTL] |
Mitch Pommery [BG3] then Alfred Burgess [TBB], Matthew Winslade [MVP] |
Positions changed in 2015 due to a change of constitution by the 2014 committee.
Year |
President |
Vice President |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Fresher Rep |
OCMs |
2014 |
Mitchell Pomery [BG3] |
Andrew Gozzard [GOZ] |
Jordan Meerwald [JDN] |
Jon Van Buren [JVB] |
Lauren Gee [GEE] |
Samuel Shenton [SAS], Trent Bersan [TJB], Ryan Hall [HTL] |
2013 |
Samuel Shenton [SAS] |
Sam Moore [SZM] |
Mark Anderson [NEO] |
Erin Steicke [XON] |
Keir Campbell [VAN] |
Andrew Gozzard [GOZ], Randal Adamson [RNZ] then Mitchell Pomery [BG3], Jonathan Van Buren [ODF] |
2012 |
John Hodge [TPG] |
David Gow [SLX] |
Adam Marshall [EDO] |
Sam Moore [SZM], Dylan Kerr [DTK] |
Jonathon Astbury [JAB] |
Jeremy Cole [M12], Ash Tyndall [ASH], Lyndon White [*OX] |
2011 |
Andrew Adamson [BOB] |
Matt Didcoe [MRD] |
John Hodge [TPG] |
Conrad Pogson [LOL] |
Ash Tyndall [ASH] |
Chris Squire [CJS], Daniel Axtens [DJA], Sam Moore [SZM] |
2010 |
Matt Didcoe [MRD] |
Daniel Axtens [DJA] |
Andrew Adamson [BOB] |
Conrad Pogson [LOL] |
Jonathan Van Buren [ODF] |
Nathan Shaw [YES], Chris Squire [CJS], John Hodge [TPG] |
2009 |
Conrad Pogson [LOL] |
Jeremy Cole [M12] |
Scott Young [SJY] |
Rufus Garton-Smith [RVS] |
Daniel Axtens [DJA] |
Alix Chinnery [VIX], David Adam [DAA], Chris Squire [CJS] |
2008 |
Luke Williams [LAW] |
Rowan France [ROW] |
Scott Young [SJY] |
Alix Chinnery [VIX] |
Nick Madeley [NPM] |
Conrad Pogson [LOL], Stuart Paton [STU], Rufus Garton-Smith [RGS] |
2007 |
James French [JCF] |
Luke Williams [LAW] |
Sam Cochran [SJC] |
Davyd Madeley [PXY] |
Conrad Pogson [LOL] |
David Adam [DAA], Jeff Saunders [JFK] then Steven Lazidis [LAZ], Sam Spencer [CHZ] |
2006 |
David Adam [DAA] |
James French [JCF] |
Sam Cochran [SJC] |
Davyd Madeley [PXY] |
Luke Williams [LAW] |
Jeff Saunders [JFK], Matt Johnston [MSH], Susie Hellings [SJH] |
2005 |
Bernard Blackham [DAG] |
James Andrewartha [TRS] |
Matt Johnston [MSH] |
Davyd Madeley [PXY] |
Byron Pogson [ABP] |
Craig Williams [RPS], Susie Hellings [SJH], James French [JCF] |
2004 |
Susie Hellings [SJH] |
Matt Johnston [MSH] |
James Cox [RME] |
Bernard Blackham [DAG] |
David Adam [DAA] |
James Andrewartha [TRS], Davyd Madeley [PXY], Rhys Bevilaqua [???] |
2003 |
James Andrewartha [TRS] |
Susie Hellings [SJH] |
Bernard Blackham [DAG] |
Matt Johnston [MSH] |
Jeff Saunders [JFK] |
Davyd Madeley [PXY], Ben Murrihy [BGM], Grahame Bowland [GMB] |
2002 |
Nick Rohrlach [NRR] |
Adrian Chadd [AHC] then Susie Hellings [SJH] |
James Andrewartha [TRS] |
Matt Johnston [MSH] |
Bernard Blackham [DAG] |
Oliver Mailes [OGM], Chris Coman [TIE], Susie Hellings then Chris Bobridge [MLK] |
2001 |
Anil Sharma [MST] |
Nick Rohrlach [NRR] |
James Andrewartha [TRS] |
Anita Mathers [ANT] then Chris Coman [TIE] |
Chris Thorp [OSI] |
Oliver Mailes [OGM], Tom Lynch [FTZ], Christopher Grubb [CNG] |
2000 |
Grahame Bowland [GMB] |
Melissa Challenor [MEL] then Anil Sharma [MST] |
Ian McKellar [YAK] |
Duncan Sargeant [DUC] then Tracey Brown [TAZ] |
James Andrewartha [TRS] |
Anil Sharma then Anita Mathers [ANT], Leighton Haynes [DTA], David Manchester [TDH] |
1999 |
Ian McKellar [YAK] |
Melissa Challenor [MEL] |
Nick Rohrlach [NRR] |
David Luyer [DJL] then Ben Rampling [BEN] |
Tamara Fehlburg [TAM] |
Nick Bannon [NTU], Sam Bentink [???], Mikolaj Habryn [MJH] then Grahame Bowland [GMB] |
1998 |
Peter Wilsmore [PGW] |
Ian McKellar [YAK] |
Simone Collins [SGC] |
Nick Rohrlach [NRR] |
Simon Baldwin [ZAP] |
Nick Bannon [NTU], David Manchester [TDH], Anil Sharma [MST] |
1997 |
David Chinnery [DGC] |
Duncan Sargeant [DUC] |
Simone Collins [SGC] |
Nick Rohrlach [NRR] then Mark Tearle [MTL] |
??? then Michael Dawson [MJD] |
David Manchester [TDH], Nick Bannon [NTU], Swan Yap [SYN] then Anil Sharma [MST] |
1996 |
James Bromberger [JEB] |
David Luyer [DJL] |
David Chinnery [DGC] |
Nick Bannon [NTU] |
Kym Yeap [???] |
Duncan Sargeant [DUC], Sophie Divliaev [SD:], Barnaby Brown [BBB] |
1995 |
Andrew Williams [AJW] |
David Chinnery [DGC] |
Mark Tearle [MTL] |
Sophie Divliaev [SD:] |
Mark Whittaker [???] |
David Luyer [DJL], Nick Bannon [NTU], James Bromberger [JEB] |
1994 ? |
Andrew Williams [AJW] |
David Chinnery [DGC] |
Daniel Macey [???] |
Mark Tearle [MTL] |
Simon Kirby [ZIL] |
Darren Longbottom [OWL], Brendan Langalount [???] |
1993 |
Sean Reith [SAR] |
Andrew Williams [AJW] |
Christopher Phillips [CJP] |
Malcolm Evans [MAL] |
Mark Tearle [MTL] |
John McKenna [ECF], David Leib [???] |
1992 |
Steve McCloud [SAM] |
Jeremy Nelson [JEM] |
Christopher Phillips [CJP] |
[PAL] |
1991 |
David Bennett [DDT] |
Craig Richmond [CPR] |
Jeanette Campbell [JRC] |
Derek Gilarski [DAT] |
Jeremy Nelson [JEM] |
Sean Reith [SFX], Evan Scott [FRD] |
1990 |
Teik Oh [THO] |
Christopher Phillips [CJP] |
Jeanette Campbell [JRC] |
Comrade Cooper [COM] |
Joe Monterubbio [JOE] |
1989 |
Marcus Jager [JMJ] |
John McKenna [ECF] |
Peter Lewis [PNL], Evan Scott [FRD] |
Malcolm Evans [MAL] |
Christopher Phillips [CJP] |
Bob Masters [BOB], Cathy Cupitt [C^2], Craig Richmond [CPR], Teik Oh [THO] |
1988 |
Dave Emrich [DAV] |
Quinn [JJQ] |
Stirling Hammersley [TR6] |
Malcolm Evans [MAL] |
Cathy Cuppit [C^2] |
James McParlane [ELR], Marcus Jager [JMJ], Peter Lewis [PNL] |
1987 |
Dave Emrich [DAV] |
Jeremy Byrne [666] |
Stirling Hammersley [TR6] |
Malcolm Evans [MAL] |
1986 |
Harry Protoolis |
Dave Emrich [DAV] |
Stuart Smith |
Bernard Langham [BJL] |
1985 |
1984 |
Justin von Perger [JVP], Harry Protoolis |
Jeremy Byrne [666] |
Bernard Langham [BJL] |
L Jones, ? Chris? Smith |
1983 |
Andrew Warenczak |
Brian Kilgallin |
Justin von Perger [JVP] |
? Craig? Howlett |
1982 |
Julie Freeman |
1981 |
Frank Hamersley |
?1980? |
Frank Hamersley |
(?1981) Julie Trott |
?Dean Elsner |
1980 |
Indulis Bernstein |
Phil Sutherland |
Simon Mathews, Kevin McCaw |
William Plumridge |
1979 |
Simon Matthews |
Peter Edwards |
Drew Arbuckle, William Plumridge |
Jon Davies, Ian Evans |
?Julian Elischer, Bruce Makin, Indulis Bernsteins, Dean Elsner |
1978 |
?Simon Matthews |
R. Vanzanten |
1977 |
G Seris? Serles |
J Middleton |
Mike Seman |
R Van Zanten |
1976 |
Paul Guttman |
Geoff Scolaro |
Mike Seman |
A Sutherland |
1975 |
Andrew Marriott |
Chris Carrier |
Paul Metcher |
John Utting |
-- |
Dean Elsner, Mike Palm, Mark O'Connor |
1974 |
(See 1975 for first committee) |
Anything with a question mark (?) in the year column could be wrong, it was guessed by [PXY] cross-correllating sources and hasn't been checked.