Differences between revisions 4 and 8 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2014-01-24 09:28:57
Size: 4425
Editor: Frames
Comment: addd that committee email should be used (in lin with tht IRC should be used)
Revision 8 as of 2016-04-15 21:16:58
Size: 4799
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[HowToCommittee/President/Contacts|Useful Contacts]]
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As proposed under the 2014 Committee KPI Document:
 * manage relations with the Guild of Undergraduates, the Societies Council and its relevant subcommittees
 * seek out and secure sponsorship for the club
 * oversee the completion of priority club projects that the committee decides upon from time to time


Useful Contacts


As president, your role is officially this: http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/policies/const.ucc#duties_pres

As proposed under the 2014 Committee KPI Document:

  • manage relations with the Guild of Undergraduates, the Societies Council and its relevant subcommittees
  • seek out and secure sponsorship for the club
  • oversee the completion of priority club projects that the committee decides upon from time to time

Unofficially, here is what you should be doing:

  • Directing your fellow committee members on what they should be doing
    • I cannot emphasise just how important this is. You need to be empowering people to do their job and making sure they are doing it - otherwise they can (and will) just do nothing -- BobAdamson

    • To direct committee members properly, you should know how to do every role on committee - take advantage of the resources in this wiki, the mailing list archives, and the role descriptions in the constitution
  • Chairing committee meetings
    • Try and keep them on track to keep [MRD] sane. Let them go off track occasionally to keep everyone else sane. Add some drama occasionally to keep people interested (see [BOB] for ideas on drama).
    • Always focus on "what can we do now rather than putting it off for another meeting". eg: if you are unsure of a price on something, amend the motion such that a person can just email committee for approval, or make the motion conditional on a price being met
    • Make it easy for people to do things! Something we did in my year was to have standing orders for things like re-imbursement on coke runs that make things run more smoothly
  • Steering the long-term vision of the club
    • We don't have an official long-term vision, however we do have a constitution with objectives of the club: http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/policies/const.ucc#objs . You should make sure that committee is adhering to these objects.

    • UCC is forty years old - we didn't get this far without being prudent. Ensure that committee is considering the long term implications of their decisions, particularly when it comes to interacting with the guild, our finances, and our clubroom
  • Steering the short-term vision of the club
    • We don't have an official short-term vision - pick one (or several)! In my year, I decided that I wanted to increase learning opportunities for the club, make our systems more reliable, make our clubroom less grimy, and increase our membership -- BobAdamson

  • Ensure that all aspects of the club are being given adequate attention
    • UCC is made up of a lot of subdomains - we have gamers, we have people who are in it for the events, people in it for the learning opportunities and/or networking, people in it for the hardware and projects, and a range of other reasons. You need to make sure that none of these areas get neglected! You also need to ensure that there is a good balance of gamers and techy people - the club can become unbearable for either group when the other gets out of control.
    • It is easy to neglect UCC's hardware as it fails slowly, and new hardware doesn't get quite the publicity that events get, but let's face it - failing hardware affects everyone. Keep this in mind when budgeting, and make sure the club is taking a proactive approach to hardware upgrades and replacements.
    • The clubroom is another aspect that you need to be aware of - atmosphere, cleanliness and availability. You will generally hear from other members if there is a problem, and the solution is generally to remind door and coke members to do their job properly.
  • The ability to run events in particular is something that differentiates a strong committee from a weaker one - delegate as much of events as you can to others or you will burn out, but make sure that they are happening. Oday is particulaly important as it is our major intake of new members and it cripples the club for a year if we do it poorly. Again, use this wiki and the mailing list archives as a resource to learn what should/shouldn't be happening. Also use irc, as many past committee members are on there and are a hive of bitterness knowledge

    • On the same basis, ensure people use the committee@ email address rather than the committee-only@, for anything that isn't highly sensitive. EMP drafts, proposed events, all kinda of thigns pass committee members have experience with, but they won't know (and will complain) if emails on stuff is sent only to current committee
  • You are the interface between the club and the outside world - you (or at the very least a member of exec) should be dealing with the guild, other clubs, and other entities