
UCC has its own irc channel, poetically named #ucc. It's open to all members and is a great way to get help with club or computing-related things quickly. It's also frequented by various members of the old guard (members of UCC who have since graduated and become true adults) and members of CASSA, the ECU computer club.


Connecting to the irc network is simple. First, connect to Motsugo as explained earlier in the section on dispense. From there: Enter irssi -c irc.ucc.asn.au. This will take you directly to the irc network. Enter /join #ucc. You are now in #ucc! Lurk and post to your heart's content

Most members use a program called screen to leave irc running at all times. See wiki.ucc.asn.au/Screen to find out how to use this program.

Useful Notes

Page Swapping

To swap between pages, use Alt+Page number (I.e. Alt+1, Alt+2 etc.). Page numbers are assigned in the order pages are created – if you followed the instructions above, #ucc will be on page 2, with page 1 reserved for the status page that reports error messages, command output and similar information.

IRC Nicknames

By default, your nick is your UCC username. If you've made a terrible mistake and hate your username, you can change your nick by typing /nick [whatever you want].

You can also register your nick with the server, meaning it's password protected and nobody else can use it. For details on how to do this, type /msg NickServ help and check the status page.


Entering /help brings up a list of commands usable on the irc network. Entering /help [command] will tell you what that specific command does, outputting to the status page.


Users with an @ in front of their name are channel operators, and have kick/ban power on you. As the UCC is quite a tight-knit community, we are fairly lenient with bans, but please use your head when posting.

Discord Bridge

For those looking for how the bridge bot works, it is running discord-irc on a VM aptly named discord-irc. The config file for the bot is /home/discord/discord-irc-config.json, and it is running as a systemctl service through nodejs. Hopefully in the future it will simply be run as a docker container on a dedicated container server, or even just Mussel. The perms and token of the bot are under the UCC discord dev team, ask [GPO] to join.

When migrating the container, the only very important file is the discord-irc config file. Create a simple container, install npm, and install discord-irc from the node repo. Make a systemd service that points at /usr/local/bin/discord-irc --config /config/path/here/discord-irc-config.json, and that's it. This is true of LXcontainers, Docker containers, or just a nodejs install on a random VM.

uccwiki: IRC (last edited 2022-10-25 00:44:15 by GaryODonovan)