Operation Lasso

A working title for now, but UCC will be launching a marketing offensive in Semester 2 in an attempt to pickup new members.


  • Write to undergraduate CS list about UCC talks (and include a spiel about who the hell UCC are)
  • Promote MegaLAN in CS building and Cameron Hall (member discount pricing for this event I imagine)
  • Visit first year fresher lectures and spruke UCC and our events (lots happening in the two months of semester)
    • CITS1005 Computing for Engineers and Scientists
    • CITS1200 Java Programming
    • CITS1210 C Programming
    • CITS1220 Software Engineering
    • maybe ELEC1300 Electrical Engineering 1
    • maybe GENG1002 Intro to Elec and Electronic Eng - those who will likely do ELEC1300 next year