Differences between revisions 1 and 7 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2013-01-08 22:50:50
Size: 567
Editor: BobAdamson
Revision 7 as of 2013-01-14 00:36:12
Size: 1564
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was renamed from MoneyMoneyMoney/NewCharacid
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  * http://www.netplus.com.au/product/MBGIGAB75M-D3H/Gigabyte_GA-B75M-D3H_B75_MB_LGA1155_2DDR3_USB3.0_SATA3_Intel_Panther_Point_Ivy_Bridge $79
  * http://www.msy.com.au/product.jsp?productId=9016 $68
Line 15: Line 18:
  * http://www.netplus.com.au/product/MYD316-8192K/8Gb_Kingston_DDR3_1600_Memory_KVR16N118_CL11_1600Mhz_Single_Non-ECC $49
  * http://www.msy.com.au/product.jsp?productId=7684 $49
Line 17: Line 22:
  * http://www.netplus.com.au/product/CPINPDI5-3570/Intel_Core_i5-3570_LGA1155_CPU_3.4Ghz_6Mb_Cache_Ivy_Bridge_4C4T_3rd_Generation_3570 $201
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  * Use stock Fan
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  * Re-use existing drive
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  * http://www.netplus.com.au/product/PWPSAX-CMRPM2072/720W_CoolerMaster_Silent_Pro_M2_Modular_II_Power_Supply_ $139
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  * http://www.netplus.com.au/product/VDGIGTX660-18/Gigabyte_GTX660_OC_2Gb_GV-N66OC-2GD_GTX_660_Nvidia_PCI-E_Kepler_GF $279
  * nvidia 660 2GB http://www.msy.com.au/product.jsp?productId=9579 - $237
  * radeon 7870 "GHz edition" - $240
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  * lol
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Total without postage: Total without postage: $694

Old cichlid is being retired to a linux machine and upgraded with mostly new hardware.

Budget $700.

Thankyou to everyone for your pledges





Total without postage: $694

PREFERRED SUPPLIERS: netplus, msy, foxcomp, ple, pccasegear