Revision 1 as of 2015-05-10 23:11:10

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This yeah, spartan and myself are offering a scholarship alongside the FUCC_Scholarship. It is a full ride scholarship for UCC's Camp.

Camp is an awesome experience that everyone should get a chance to experience. By becoming a PUCC scholar you will join the elite. Some have gone on to be employed and get money, live off of their parents and even be known for their bad jokes and puns. Also, this is a blatant rip off of Coxy and Lionel

I would encourage everyone who is interested to take advantage of this offer - I had a great time my first UCC Camp which is part of the reason why I now offer this scholarship. You can apply for this scholarship even if you apply for the other one.

[One|Two|Five|Ten] first-time UCC Campers will have their entry fee paid for by us.

As before, you will also obtain the privilege, if you should so wish, to add a black P to your white UCC tags (with a blue background if possible), denoting bad jokes, good times and exclusive membership to an inclusive group of normal people.

Signed, Mitchell Pomery and Chris Squire