We should ask companies for sponsorship, either for the whole year or for specific events.
This page is to keep track of:
- who we should ask
- what we're asking for
- which committee/club member is handling
and anything else related.
Potential Sponsors
Handled by: DavydMadeley
Asking for: SunFire?
DavydMadeley has written a letter, but the PDF he provided everyone for review is in some crackrock format that won't allow text extraction. [DAA]
Handled by: DavidAdam Asking for: Action Pack subscription [DAA] No correspondence yet.
- Handled by: no-one yet Asking for: an Intel Mac of some sort? [DAA]
Potential Quiz Night Sponsors
There is a form letter for sponsorship in /away/wheel/zanchey/Documents/Quiz Night - Sponsorship Form Letter.rtf
CO-ORDINATE WITH UNISFA ([JCF] and [PXY] will help you out)
- Boffins
- Handled by: no-one yet Asking for: something technical? or just a book voucher? [DAA]
- Altronics/Jaycar
- Handled by: no-one yet Asking for: no idea, vouchers? [DAA]
- Some software company?
- Handled by: no-one yet Asking for: t-shirts! or something [DAA]