Revision 2 as of 2012-05-02 16:17:37

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Antarctica (pronounced /ænˈtɑrtɨkə/ or /ænˈtɑrktɨkə/ is Earth's southernmost continent, encapsulating the South Pole. Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm along the coast and far less inland. The temperature in Antarctica can reach -89 degrees Celsius. Source: Wikipedia


How/where the machine was maintained

Antarctica was previously kept at The Good Guys in Osborne Park, where it led a quiet life as a display unit. Bought for its ability to restart with previous settings after a power failure and auto ice-up protection, Antarctica was very happy to escape The Good Guys.

History prior to arriving to UCC

Much debate went into the purchase of Antarctica, since we had previously had multiple smaller air-conditioners, and a single unit posed a single-point-of-failure risk. This argument was ignored by the dictator treasurer at the time - BobAdamson, and the club got a non-sucky aircon for the first time in its history.

UCC machine history

Installed in April 2010 by [CJS] and [BOB], with [CJS] holding on to the other end of the rope while [BOB] dangled out the window with a drill. Much debate was entered into as to whether Antarctica is in fact a desert.

Current machine tasks

Cooling. Being cool.

Current software configuration

Assembly code?

Current hardware configuration

5.3KW Kelvinator in-window unit

Thanks to:

The Great Storm of Perth
[CJS] for sacrificing his ute to the cause. I'm sure he will never forget the park brake again.
