These pages are dedicated to recording how to run UCC events and document how they turned out.
To add a page to this category, add a link to this page on the last line of the page. You can add multiple categories to a page.
List of pages in this category:
- Cameron_Hall-O-Ween
- Cameron_Hall-O-Ween_2021
- Cameron_Hall_Quiz_Night_2022
- Cameron_Hall_Quiz_Night_2023
- CharityVigil
- Charity_Vigil_2021
- Charity_Vigil_2022
- Charity_Vigil_2023
- End_of_Year_LAN_Party_2022
- EventDescriptions
- EventMinutes
- EventMinutes2021
- EventMinutes2022
- EventMinutes2023
- EventPosters
- Events
- Events2008
- Events2009
- Events2014
- Events2015
- Events2017
- Events2018
- Events2019
- Events2020
- Events2021
- Events2022
- Events2023
- Events2024
- HowToCommittee/EventManagement
- HowToCommittee/Events
- Inter_University_LAN
- Inter_University_LAN_Party_2022
- Inter_University_LAN_Party_2023
- Joint Camp 2020
- Joint_Camp_2021
- Joint_Camp_2022
- Joint_Camp_2023
- MegaLAN
- MovieNight
- PastEvents
- QuizNight
- Relay_For_Life
- Tech_Clubs_Quiz_Night
- Tech_Clubs_Quiz_Night_2021
- Tech_Clubs_Quiz_Night_2022
- Tech_Clubs_Quiz_Night_2023
- UCCCamp2013
- UCCCamp2019
- Uncharity_Vigil
- Uncharity_Vigil_2021
- Uncharity_Vigil_2022
- Uncharity_Vigil_2023