
As OCM, your official duties are listed in ยง16.5 of the constitution: https://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/policies/constitution.pdf

As proposed under the 2014 Committee KPI Document:

  • assist in running at least one UCC event per semester, these can include: O-day, Fresher Welcome, UniLANs, Quiz Night, Camp, Charity/Uncharity Vigils, Anniversary Dinner or other committee approved events.
  • assist in at least one committee approved club project and report on its progress to the committee.
  • As for 2024, committee members should join at least one subcommittee for collaborated events.

This guide was indeed very short, so I'm adding some comments here -- [ROY]

  • Try to find/create more works to do when you are feeling too chill
  • Try to get involved in tech side works, becoming a wheel-on-committee can be very helpful
  • Try to finish action items ASAP when assigned if possible, or they can be "in progress" forever
  • When in question, ask fellows first before action
  • Go to camp, it's fun.