Differences between revisions 6 and 17 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2013-05-10 19:06:24
Size: 8653
Editor: BobAdamson
Revision 17 as of 2013-09-04 11:25:46
Size: 16917
Editor: SamMoore
Comment: Update the wiki for the camp. We're being audited.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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See [[ComputerClubsCamp2012|2012 Camp]] for last year's info. See [[ComputerClubsCamp2012|2012 Camp]] for the previous year's info, used in organising this camp.

This page serves both as an information page for attendees, and details on how to run UCC::Camp for future organisers.

=== Event Poster ===

[[attachment:tux_mussel.svg|SVG of the drawing of Tux]]

Posters were placed in the UCC Clubroom and Cameron Hall.

=== Sign-up Link ===

Attendee information is sent to {{{committee-only@}}} and contact information is saved to a file. The file is later used to email attendees. It should be printed to have a copy of emergency contact details at the event. The script can be edited for next year; it is at {{{/services/http/cgi-bin/ucc_camp_register.py}}}.

[[attachment:ucc_camp_register2013.py|Script as of 2013]]
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https://www.facebook.com/events/457726040943789/ https://www.facebook.com/events/486241124795980/
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 .tech talks
 .project groups developing something (ideally, but probably not)
 .lake games
 .rock band
==== Ideas ====
 * --(Spotlight)--
 * --(Frisbee)--
 * --(Tech talks)--
 * --(Project groups)--
 * --(Movies)--
 * Rock Band
 * Lanning
 * Other console games

Ideas that are --(struck through)-- didn't actually happen in 2013.

=== Internet Connection ===
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Discussions can be found in the {{{tech@}}} [[http://lists.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/pipermail/tech/|archives]]. There is also discussion in the {{{committee@}}} archives.
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Organisers met at UCC on Friday, July 19th at 7am (in theory).
See [[http://lists.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/mailman/private/committee/2013-July/005335.html|this email]] describing the plan. With a few changes in timing, the plan was roughly followed.

Attendees arrive at the camp on Friday, July 19th at 4pm.

Meal preparation began an hour or so before the meal. Some of the dinners needed long cooking times and the preparation work was done with the breakfast for that day.

Cleanup began at 8am on Monday, July 22nd, and was finished by 10am.
Organisers and attendees met at Hungry Jack's in Mundaring for a discussion of how successful the camp was and what should be improved.
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=== What to bring ===
 .sleeping bag + pillow
 .computer + non-surge protected powerboard
 .headphones with cable slack
 .inter-meal snacks
 .drinks (we provide tea, coffee and water but anything else is up to you) (please be sensible)
 .earplugs if you're a light sleeper
 .clothes for 3 days
 .clothes, toiletries, and all that other crap that you need to survive for 2 days (you smell, don't forget deodorant)
 .munchies for between meals
 .SNES games
 .probably more to add here...
=== What Attendees Should Bring ===
 * Sleeping bag + pillow
 * Computer + non-surge protected powerboard
 * Headphones with cable slack
 * Inter-meal snacks
 * Drinks (tea, coffee, water are provided)
   * No alcohol will be sold at the event
   * No hard liquor
 * Earplugs if you're a light sleeper
 * Clothes for 3 days
 * Shoes
 * Towel
 * Clothes, toiletries, and all that other crap stuff that you need to survive for 2 days
   * Don't forget deodorant!
 * Munchies for between meals
 * SNES games

This list was also [[attachment:email_to_attendees.txt|emailed]] out a couple of days before the camp.

'''Note:''' We should have clarified the "earplugs" point, as many people thought it was a joke and then regretted not bringing earplugs.

=== Additions to the list for 2014 ===
 * Computer with '''ethernet port''' - We don't provide a wireless network

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 .Friday dinner: pasta with sauce/pesto, garlic bread
 .Saturday breakfast: weetbix/nutri-grain/corn flakes, baked beans, toast with butter, orange/apple juice, yoghurt?
 .Saturday lunch: BBQ (sausage, bun+butter, beer onions, tom sauce, mustard, bbq sauce)
 .Saturday dinner:
 .Sunday breakfast: bacon, fried eggs, toast with butter+spreads, two types of juice
 .Sunday lunch: BLT wraps (lettuce, tomato, bacon (2pp), mayo, burrito)
 .Sunday dinner: pea+ham soup with bread + butter, butter chicken with rice
 .Monday morning: leftovers or people get breakfast themselves

 .Tea, coffee and milo available at all hours

 .Total Cost per person for meals: $
 .Note everything is included in the cost
 * Friday dinner: pasta with sauce/pesto, garlic bread, salad
 * Saturday breakfast: weetbix/nutri-grain/corn flakes, baked beans, toast with butter, orange/apple juice, porridge
 * Saturday lunch: BBQ (sausage, bun+butter, beer onions, tom sauce, mustard, bbq sauce)
 * Saturday dinner: Guinness Stew, scalloped potatoes and salad
 * Sunday breakfast: bacon, fried eggs, toast with butter+spreads, two types of juice
 * Sunday lunch: BLT wraps (lettuce, tomato, bacon (2pp), mayo, burrito)
 * Sunday dinner: pea+ham soup with bread + butter, butter chicken with rice
 * Monday morning: leftovers or people get breakfast themselves
 * Tea, coffee and milo available at all hours

[BOB] oversaw cooking. Organisers and several attendees helped with cooking. Everyone was encouraged to wash their own dishes, but when this became too inefficient volunteers would take over.

Spreadsheets for some of the meals:
 * [[attachment:peahamsoup.ods|Peaham Soup]]
 * [[attachment:beefstew.ods|Beef stew]]
 * [[attachment:butterchicken.ods|Butter Chicken]]
 * [[attachment:food.ods|Overview]] - '''note:''' This is what was used in 2012; the dinners have changed.

[BOB] has the final copies and the final shopping list for all meals. Pester him to update this page.

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Dorms, $25 per person per night. So we are aiming for at least 25 people. The capacity of the venue is 80, and it's slightly cheaper if we have more than 50 people.

=== Total cost: ===
Dormitaries, $25 per person per night. So we are aiming for at least 25 people. The capacity of the venue is 80, and it's slightly cheaper if we have more than 50 people.

Exactly 25 people attended; the same number (but some different people) as in 2012.

=== Total cost ===
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Any member of the UCC is welcome to contact the [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/committee/2013|Treasurer]] for a breakdown of costs.

Rough estimate:
 * Cost: $1800 accomodation + $600 food + $200 for internet = $2600
 * Revenue: 25 * $80 = $2000
 * Net loss: $600

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 .Sam Moore, matches AT ucc DOT asn DOT au
 .Andrew Gozzard, gozzarda AT ucc DOT asn DOT au
 * Sam Moore, matches AT ucc DOT asn DOT au
 * Andrew Gozzard, gozzarda AT ucc DOT asn DOT au

=== Volunteers ===
 * [BOB]
  * Soup nazi, bringer of firewood, organiser of minions, killer of millipedes
 * Committee (in attendance): [SAS], [SZM], [GOZ], [RNZ], [XON]
  * Soup slaves, cleaning, etc
 * Anyone who wants to help
  * [SLX] deserves a special mention for helping with preparation and cleanup for every single meal
  * [TPG], [SLX], [*OX] helped setup the network
  * [DTK] didn't actually go, but he lent us the mast for the network
  * Almost everyone at the camp helped with cleaning and/or cooking at at least one meal
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Numbers attending must be confirmed by July 7th so that catering can be organised. Numbers attending should have been confirmed by July 7th so that catering can be organised.

In reality, the numbers were confirmed on July 18th. But when you do catering, use spreadsheets so you can just change the number.
All food can be brought on the day of the camp; stop over at Midland on the way to the camp.

=== Organisation Issues ===

==== Risk Assessment and Event Management Plan ====

After consultation with the Guild Events Manager, we submitted a low risk EMP; this was handwritten, since the [[attachment:emp_blank.pdf|electronic form]] is broken. We also submitted a seperate [[attachment:risk.pdf|Risk Evaluation Form]]. This was submitted with the EMP on 2013-06-11 after being sent to the {{{committee@}}} [[http://lists.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/mailman/private/committee/2013-June/005284.html|mailing list]] for comments.

We were unable to advertise the event outside of UCC due to the apparently lengthy nature of the EMP approval process.

 * The UWA ''High Risk'' form is [[http://www.student.uwa.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/1906682/20120920_Event-Management-Plan-2012_editable.pdf|here]]
 * The [[attachment:emp_blank.pdf|low risk]] form is what we were told to complete. Next year it will probably be different.
 * [[attachment:riskassessment_blank.docx|Blank copy]] of the Risk Assessment document.
 * [MRD] was unavailable at short notice; [BOB] acted as first aid officer during the camp.

==== Issues with EMP approval ====

After an incident at an unrelated event run by another club, we were asked to change our event to be either 18+ only, or entirely alcohol free. This request came on 2013-07-11; about a week before the camp.

We agreed to restrict further signups to the camp to 18+ only, but sought exemption for the two underage attendees who had already paid. We offered to obtain permission forms for these attendees. [SZM] never received a response to this [[attachment:guildissues.txt|email]]. [SAS] obtained verbal agreement with the Guild President and Events Manager that the two underage attendees could attend the event (permission forms did not appear to be required).

On the day of the camp (Friday 19th July) at around 3pm, during setup, [SZM] received a phone call from the Acting Guild President asking if a permission form could be obtained for one of the two underage attendees, and if someone with a working with children check could assume responsibility (the other being in the presence of a parent). [SZM] assumed responsibility for the underage attendee. The parent of the underage attendee sent an email giving consent to the Guild. UCC does not have a copy of the consent form.

Next year it would be good (if possible) to get the EMP approved early enough to actually advertise the event.

==== Mailing List ====

Email correspondance related to the camp mostly went through {{{committee@}}} which makes it harder to find emails in the [[http://lists.ucc.asn.au/mailman/private/committee|list archives]].

Email correspondance related to the setup of the camp network went through both {{{tech@}}} ([[http://lists.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/pipermail/tech/|archives]]) and {{{committee@}}}.

Some emails were sent outside of the lists and are not archived; eg: Correspondance with Camp Leshenaultia, the Guild Events Manager, etc. Please contact [SZM] for more information on any conversations that can't be found in the list archives.

Next year we should have a dedicated mailing list for the camp organisation.
This will make things a lot easier if the event gets audited.

==== Advertising ====

In SOC meetings it was mentioned that we shouldn't advertise events ''at all'' until the EMP was approved.
However due to the delay in the EMP approval process, we advertised the event on Facebook and the UCC [[http://lists.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/pipermail/ucc-announce/2013-July/thread.html|announce mailing list]].

The poster for the camp was designed by [SZM] based on the 2006 camp poster. Copies of the poster were placed in Cameron Hall and also at the [[GigaLAN2013|GigaLAN]]. Some posters with corrected spelling and "July 2013" in place of the "7.13" version number were also printed. Due to the lack of EMP approval we didn't bother trying to place posters around campus.

==== Meetings ====

The Camp was discussed in the following committee meetings in varying levels of detail:

 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-03-28.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-04-02.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-04-06.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-04-09.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-04-30.txt]] - Requirements for EMP and Risk Assessment confirmed with Guild Events Manager
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-06-04.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-06-11.txt]] - EMP and Risk Assessment submitted to Guild
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-06-18.txt]] - Tickets on sale
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-06-25.txt]] - Purchase of wireless plans approved
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-07-02.txt]] - Wireless plans purchased
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-07-09.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-07-16.txt]] - EMP approved by Guild
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-07-30.txt]] - Notes after successful camp
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-08-02.txt]] - Camp Leshenaultia invoice paid. Approval of 2014 Camp booking at same venue.
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-08-09.txt]]
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-08-16.txt]] - 2014 Camp booking confirmed
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-08-23.txt]] - Deposit paid
 * [[http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/minutes/2013/2013-08-30.txt]] - Invoice and confirmation of payment

Meetings specifically related to the Camp were held:
 * 2013-06-09 - Completing the EMP and Risk assessment forms; [SZM] and [BOB]
 * 2013-06-24 - Practice setup of the mast; [SZM], [DTK], [SLX], [GOZ]
 * 2013-07-13 and 2013-07-14 - General wheel meeting that also covered the camp network; [SZM], [BOB], [*OX], [SLX], [TPG]
 * 2013-07-16 - Work on the menu [SZM], [BOB]
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See [[ComputerClubsCamp2012|2012 Camp]] for the advice going into the camp.

This is based on the post mortem discussions held immediately after the camp.
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 *Internet - having it on two separate plans. Means that we can't use up our entire internet quota with one rouge machine that has been overlooked.
 *Having dja who knew good squid rules.
 *Antenna: good setup, well waterproofed, but difficult to take down. Want an omni-directional antenna next year (if hspa+ uses multiple towers like I think it does).
 *Food was good, though overcatered
 *Venue was good overall
  *Fire was good++
  *Millipedes were good '''Get Surface Spray'''
  *Power at venue very good
  *Cool room must be turned on at the fuse box
  *Bringing our own knives was a very smart move, as the ones at the camp were pretty blunt. Bring a sharpening steel next year.
  *Had enough space to do a dedicated table for games and dedicated console games area
 *Heathred worked really well, though we needed more pre-tested servers
 *Network was solid thanks to much pretesting, and having a separate routing server worked well (as it did in 2011)
 *Abalone was a very good move and meant we had a local server
 *Game variety was good
 *Tech talks good
 *Getting people to help with meals
 *We had a rule; "no computers at meal times" that worked really well. It encouraged conversation and ensured people helped with meals
 *Marshmallows were good and we ended up much much banter occuring around the fire as a result
 *Having a projector permanently setup from start was really good, but we needed to pick a spot that wasn't right below a skylight
 *Good getting people to bring own power board
 *Scholarships for fresher attendees sponsored by some oldguard (Coxy and Lionel)
 *When buying food: take at least three people to the shops with two cars. It makes life much easier. Ensure you have an eski with ice or car fridge for the meat (we had chicken go bad in 2012 just on the trip from Perth)
 *Good having a huge salad bowl that can be put out with dinners - you just make it once and then put it out with every meal. Needed more variety in the salad though. '''Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber, Capsicum'''
 *Garlic bread was good
 *Keeping meal/club food in cool room and individual stuff in fridge worked well
 *Making sure we knew how to light the oven WELL before the meal. Those ovens are a nightmare to light because the piezos don't work.
 *Having a separate dining area meant we could set up, eat and clean up without being around the computers
 *Outside meals were good when possible - reduced the amount of cleaning up and we got to sit in the sun.
 *Didn't have too much music, but it was good to have while setting up
 *Having a DC server on abalone worked well
 *Tables set up in an oval was fairly good, but not tolerant of more than 25 people. Good to have gaps in circle
 *Having plenty of spare parts - mouse, keyboards
 *Staggered arrivals of people so we had people who came late can pick up whatever things we had forgotten
 *Budgeting well beforehand and planning where to buy stuff.

==== Improve Now ====
 *Advertising - there was plenty in Cameron Hall but very little around the guild and the university '''Sell tickets at GigaLAN'''
 *Don't run a combined camp again - it's not worth the effort. They can attend if they want, but they don't get any input into the camp. Too bad if it clashes with one of their events - we only had two CASSAns attend this year, and nobody from ComSSA '''We aren't'''
 *We needed more tea towels. The 4 we had couldn't dry fast enough and got pretty dirty
 *Don't do pizza again - too time consuming, and too hard to serve because it can't all be put in the oven at once and served at once. '''Ok'''
 *Make soup beforehand and freeze '''Who is good at making soup?'''
 *Bring more teaspoons. The camp has like, 2
 *Bring knife sharpener
 *Tech talks were thrown together at last minute '''See [SZM]'''
 *Shorter tech talk to start
 *Bring smaller wood for indoor fire. The wood that's there is nearly impossible to split. --('''Smaller wood at petrol stations''')-- [BOB] to provide trailer load of split jarrah
 *Needed beanbags or a couch. There's plenty of chairs, but nothing to lounge on. '''Beanbags +1, assuming no millipedes'''
 *We need a good free-standing screen + projector stand '''[SAS] may have a stand that works'''
 *Scholarship advertising + deadlines needs to be improved '''See Coxy and Lionel'''
 *Projector screen placement - don't put it under a skylight
 *Call place we're buying the meat from the night before, tell them what we want, and get them to freeze it. We completely cleaned out Woolworths of chicken and bacon this year and ended up paying more because of it. '''Place an order in the week for Friday, then pick up'''
 *Frozen bag veges suck. Get real ones, or don't get veges.
 *Salad needed more than two ingredients, and dressing
 *Fun tip, lasagna gets thinner when you cook it - 2.1kg lasagna is barely big enough for 9 serves. Cater for more!
 *BAN surge protected powerboards
 *Get people to check headphone cord length
 *Must wake people to frak theme. Mario was insufficiently torturous.
 *Probably didn't need a dedicated music server
 *Need a couple of extra spaces so there is a little choice on where to sit
 *Make camptenna easier to put up and take down. Don't put it up in the dark
  *Ensure that the people with essential cables+parts will arrive early
 *Don't overcater. We had lotsa leftovers!
 * Internet - Was on two seperate plans. When we used up the quota on the first plan we changed to the second.
 * [DTK]'s improvements to the mast; could set the direction of the antenna
 * Beatentrack (2012 Camp server) was reused; minimal setup required
   * Disk goes in [[Cabellera]]
 * Bringing extra switches
   * Remember to bring the RJ45-RS232 connector ''with'' the switch that needs it
 * Food was good, less overcatered than 2012
   * Note for chefs: Gas is turned on in ''two'' places
   * "No computers at mealtimes" rule was good
   * Brought our own knives + sharpener, but still needed more
 * Venue was good.
 * Setup was good.
   * Core network equipment all arrived in one car, and was the first stuff to arrive
   * Arriving really early at UCC. Well, some of us did.
 * Projector placement
   * Thanks [TRS] for lending a screen
 * Time of year was good
   * No millipedes this time!
   * Surface spray was acquired, but not used due to lack of millipedes
 * Actually gave the guild the EMP earlier than last year
   * Not that this helped
 * Most people helped with cooking/cleaning with minimal prompting/shouting
 * Scholarships to encourage people to attend
 * Multiple people had first aid and RSA qualifications

==== Bad Stuff ====
 * Mast was unnecessarily high. Needed to take the whole thing down to change the sim card to the second plan.
   * We had 3G signal at ground level anyway
 * The event was too close to TerraCon
 * An extra car and person would make the shopping easier
   * More than one person should have a copy of the shopping list
 * Two course meals are too much
 * One of the first aid officers listed on the EMP didn't attend
   * Make sure the person will contact us if they aren't going to attend; phone them a week in advance
   * First aid kit was almost forgotten; thanks to [*OX] for remembering
 * No tech talks
   * People didn't seem to want them though
 * No outdoor activities
   * People definitely didn't want these
 * Computers '''must''' have ethernet ports! '''NO WIFI'''
 * Forgot the IEC cables box
 * Club should get its own Projector screen
 * Storage containers for left over food should be brought
 * Issues with cable length; improve network arrangement
   * Full gig switch was not fully utilised
 * syslog filled /var with DNS failure
 * Needed spare cable ties
 * Needed more duck tape (don't just borrow [GOZ]'s)
 * Guild is useless at approving EMPs
   * Automatic script to pester the Guild
   * "If we don't hear back, we will assume it is approved"
   * Get in really early
     * Like, January
     * So we can actually advertise
 * Needed a better block splitter
 * Get Beanbags from UniSFA the day before. They agreed to lend them, but they were in a locked room.
 * Should have brought a paper copy of the EMP, Risk Form, and Attendee list
   * It was on [SZM]'s laptop, but computers (especially [SZM]'s) like to break
 * A roster for cooking/washing might be good
   * Stuff got done, but often by the same group of people
 * Numbers were low (lack of advertising?)
   * 25 people was a good number; suggested upper limit of 35
 * Should have a list of occupants for rooms so that we can find people quickly
 * Beatentrack's cache of steam games was out of date (or non-existent)
 * Abalone's copy of ApexDC++ needed updating
 * Given the current state of UWA/Guild politics, the camp will probably be 18+ in future
   * Good luck getting the EMP approved next year

See 2012 Camp for the previous year's info, used in organising this camp.

This page serves both as an information page for attendees, and details on how to run UCC::Camp for future organisers.

Event Poster

poster.png SVG of the drawing of Tux

Posters were placed in the UCC Clubroom and Cameron Hall.


Attendee information is sent to committee-only@ and contact information is saved to a file. The file is later used to email attendees. It should be printed to have a copy of emergency contact details at the event. The script can be edited for next year; it is at /services/http/cgi-bin/ucc_camp_register.py.

Script as of 2013

Facebook event


What it is

Let's put a whole heap of computer nerds in one place for a weekend and see what happens! We'll make sure there's (guaranteed dial-up speed) internet, the rest is up to the people attending. Lanning will definitely happen, but there will also be some people there who are doing hardware/software hacking and coding. Besides that, it's just a great chance to meet some like-minded people and network.


  • Spotlight

  • Frisbee

  • Tech talks

  • Project groups

  • Movies

  • Rock Band
  • Lanning
  • Other console games

Ideas that are struck through didn't actually happen in 2013.

Internet Connection

More information on the Camp Internet connection is available. Discussions can be found in the tech@ archives. There is also discussion in the committee@ archives.


Start on the afternoon of Friday, July 19th. Stay Saturday and Sunday, and then leave Monday morning. This is during semester break and should be convenient for most people.

Organisers met at UCC on Friday, July 19th at 7am (in theory). See this email describing the plan. With a few changes in timing, the plan was roughly followed.

Attendees arrive at the camp on Friday, July 19th at 4pm.

Meal preparation began an hour or so before the meal. Some of the dinners needed long cooking times and the preparation work was done with the breakfast for that day.

Cleanup began at 8am on Monday, July 22nd, and was finished by 10am. Organisers and attendees met at Hungry Jack's in Mundaring for a discussion of how successful the camp was and what should be improved.


Camp Leschenaultia near Chidlow. http://www.camplesch.com.au/

Map: http://goo.gl/maps/lfbBT

What Attendees Should Bring

  • Sleeping bag + pillow
  • Computer + non-surge protected powerboard
  • Headphones with cable slack
  • Inter-meal snacks
  • Drinks (tea, coffee, water are provided)
    • No alcohol will be sold at the event
    • No hard liquor
  • Earplugs if you're a light sleeper
  • Clothes for 3 days
  • Shoes
  • Towel
  • Clothes, toiletries, and all that other crap stuff that you need to survive for 2 days
    • Don't forget deodorant!
  • Munchies for between meals
  • SNES games

This list was also emailed out a couple of days before the camp.

Note: We should have clarified the "earplugs" point, as many people thought it was a joke and then regretted not bringing earplugs.

Additions to the list for 2014

  • Computer with ethernet port - We don't provide a wireless network


All meals will be catered for, except Monday morning breakfast.

  • Friday dinner: pasta with sauce/pesto, garlic bread, salad
  • Saturday breakfast: weetbix/nutri-grain/corn flakes, baked beans, toast with butter, orange/apple juice, porridge
  • Saturday lunch: BBQ (sausage, bun+butter, beer onions, tom sauce, mustard, bbq sauce)
  • Saturday dinner: Guinness Stew, scalloped potatoes and salad
  • Sunday breakfast: bacon, fried eggs, toast with butter+spreads, two types of juice
  • Sunday lunch: BLT wraps (lettuce, tomato, bacon (2pp), mayo, burrito)
  • Sunday dinner: pea+ham soup with bread + butter, butter chicken with rice
  • Monday morning: leftovers or people get breakfast themselves
  • Tea, coffee and milo available at all hours

[BOB] oversaw cooking. Organisers and several attendees helped with cooking. Everyone was encouraged to wash their own dishes, but when this became too inefficient volunteers would take over.

Spreadsheets for some of the meals:

[BOB] has the final copies and the final shopping list for all meals. Pester him to update this page.


Dormitaries, $25 per person per night. So we are aiming for at least 25 people. The capacity of the venue is 80, and it's slightly cheaper if we have more than 50 people.

Exactly 25 people attended; the same number (but some different people) as in 2012.

Total cost

The total cost per person for the camp is $115. Past experience tells us that few university students are prepared to pay that much, even though it includes all food. As we have done in previous years, UCC plans to subsidise the cost for its members down to $80.

Any member of the UCC is welcome to contact the Treasurer for a breakdown of costs.

Rough estimate:

  • Cost: $1800 accomodation + $600 food + $200 for internet = $2600
  • Revenue: 25 * $80 = $2000
  • Net loss: $600

Contact People:

  • Sam Moore, matches AT ucc DOT asn DOT au
  • Andrew Gozzard, gozzarda AT ucc DOT asn DOT au


  • [BOB]
    • Soup nazi, bringer of firewood, organiser of minions, killer of millipedes
  • Committee (in attendance): [SAS], [SZM], [GOZ], [RNZ], [XON]
    • Soup slaves, cleaning, etc
  • Anyone who wants to help
    • [SLX] deserves a special mention for helping with preparation and cleanup for every single meal
    • [TPG], [SLX], [*OX] helped setup the network
    • [DTK] didn't actually go, but he lent us the mast for the network
    • Almost everyone at the camp helped with cleaning and/or cooking at at least one meal


Some booking terms can be found at http://www.camplesch.com.au/bookings.html
Numbers attending should have been confirmed by July 7th so that catering can be organised.

In reality, the numbers were confirmed on July 18th. But when you do catering, use spreadsheets so you can just change the number. All food can be brought on the day of the camp; stop over at Midland on the way to the camp.

Organisation Issues

Risk Assessment and Event Management Plan

After consultation with the Guild Events Manager, we submitted a low risk EMP; this was handwritten, since the electronic form is broken. We also submitted a seperate Risk Evaluation Form. This was submitted with the EMP on 2013-06-11 after being sent to the committee@ mailing list for comments.

We were unable to advertise the event outside of UCC due to the apparently lengthy nature of the EMP approval process.


  • The UWA High Risk form is here

  • The low risk form is what we were told to complete. Next year it will probably be different.

  • Blank copy of the Risk Assessment document.

  • [MRD] was unavailable at short notice; [BOB] acted as first aid officer during the camp.

Issues with EMP approval

After an incident at an unrelated event run by another club, we were asked to change our event to be either 18+ only, or entirely alcohol free. This request came on 2013-07-11; about a week before the camp.

We agreed to restrict further signups to the camp to 18+ only, but sought exemption for the two underage attendees who had already paid. We offered to obtain permission forms for these attendees. [SZM] never received a response to this email. [SAS] obtained verbal agreement with the Guild President and Events Manager that the two underage attendees could attend the event (permission forms did not appear to be required).

On the day of the camp (Friday 19th July) at around 3pm, during setup, [SZM] received a phone call from the Acting Guild President asking if a permission form could be obtained for one of the two underage attendees, and if someone with a working with children check could assume responsibility (the other being in the presence of a parent). [SZM] assumed responsibility for the underage attendee. The parent of the underage attendee sent an email giving consent to the Guild. UCC does not have a copy of the consent form.

Next year it would be good (if possible) to get the EMP approved early enough to actually advertise the event.

Mailing List

Email correspondance related to the camp mostly went through committee@ which makes it harder to find emails in the list archives.

Email correspondance related to the setup of the camp network went through both tech@ (archives) and committee@.

Some emails were sent outside of the lists and are not archived; eg: Correspondance with Camp Leshenaultia, the Guild Events Manager, etc. Please contact [SZM] for more information on any conversations that can't be found in the list archives.

Next year we should have a dedicated mailing list for the camp organisation. This will make things a lot easier if the event gets audited.


In SOC meetings it was mentioned that we shouldn't advertise events at all until the EMP was approved. However due to the delay in the EMP approval process, we advertised the event on Facebook and the UCC announce mailing list.

The poster for the camp was designed by [SZM] based on the 2006 camp poster. Copies of the poster were placed in Cameron Hall and also at the GigaLAN. Some posters with corrected spelling and "July 2013" in place of the "7.13" version number were also printed. Due to the lack of EMP approval we didn't bother trying to place posters around campus.


The Camp was discussed in the following committee meetings in varying levels of detail:

Meetings specifically related to the Camp were held:

  • 2013-06-09 - Completing the EMP and Risk assessment forms; [SZM] and [BOB]
  • 2013-06-24 - Practice setup of the mast; [SZM], [DTK], [SLX], [GOZ]
  • 2013-07-13 and 2013-07-14 - General wheel meeting that also covered the camp network; [SZM], [BOB], [*OX], [SLX], [TPG]
  • 2013-07-16 - Work on the menu [SZM], [BOB]


See 2012 Camp for the advice going into the camp.

This is based on the post mortem discussions held immediately after the camp.

Good Stuff

  • Internet - Was on two seperate plans. When we used up the quota on the first plan we changed to the second.
  • [DTK]'s improvements to the mast; could set the direction of the antenna
  • Beatentrack (2012 Camp server) was reused; minimal setup required
  • Bringing extra switches
    • Remember to bring the RJ45-RS232 connector with the switch that needs it

  • Food was good, less overcatered than 2012
    • Note for chefs: Gas is turned on in two places

    • "No computers at mealtimes" rule was good
    • Brought our own knives + sharpener, but still needed more
  • Venue was good.
  • Setup was good.
    • Core network equipment all arrived in one car, and was the first stuff to arrive
    • Arriving really early at UCC. Well, some of us did.
  • Projector placement
    • Thanks [TRS] for lending a screen
  • Time of year was good
    • No millipedes this time!
    • Surface spray was acquired, but not used due to lack of millipedes
  • Actually gave the guild the EMP earlier than last year
    • Not that this helped
  • Most people helped with cooking/cleaning with minimal prompting/shouting
  • Scholarships to encourage people to attend
  • Multiple people had first aid and RSA qualifications

Bad Stuff

  • Mast was unnecessarily high. Needed to take the whole thing down to change the sim card to the second plan.
    • We had 3G signal at ground level anyway
  • The event was too close to TerraCon

  • An extra car and person would make the shopping easier
    • More than one person should have a copy of the shopping list
  • Two course meals are too much
  • One of the first aid officers listed on the EMP didn't attend
    • Make sure the person will contact us if they aren't going to attend; phone them a week in advance
    • First aid kit was almost forgotten; thanks to [*OX] for remembering
  • No tech talks
    • People didn't seem to want them though
  • No outdoor activities
    • People definitely didn't want these
  • Computers must have ethernet ports! NO WIFI

  • Forgot the IEC cables box
  • Club should get its own Projector screen
  • Storage containers for left over food should be brought
  • Issues with cable length; improve network arrangement
    • Full gig switch was not fully utilised
  • syslog filled /var with DNS failure
  • Needed spare cable ties
  • Needed more duck tape (don't just borrow [GOZ]'s)
  • Guild is useless at approving EMPs
    • Automatic script to pester the Guild
    • "If we don't hear back, we will assume it is approved"
    • Get in really early
      • Like, January
      • So we can actually advertise
  • Needed a better block splitter
  • Get Beanbags from UniSFA the day before. They agreed to lend them, but they were in a locked room.
  • Should have brought a paper copy of the EMP, Risk Form, and Attendee list
    • It was on [SZM]'s laptop, but computers (especially [SZM]'s) like to break
  • A roster for cooking/washing might be good
    • Stuff got done, but often by the same group of people
  • Numbers were low (lack of advertising?)
    • 25 people was a good number; suggested upper limit of 35
  • Should have a list of occupants for rooms so that we can find people quickly
  • Beatentrack's cache of steam games was out of date (or non-existent)
  • Abalone's copy of ApexDC++ needed updating
  • Given the current state of UWA/Guild politics, the camp will probably be 18+ in future
    • Good luck getting the EMP approved next year