Event planning for O'Day 2009.

For ideas and notes from previous years, see ODay2008, ODay2007 and ODay2006.

{i} Current forecast is a fine day, maximum temperature ?? degrees. SLIP SLOP SLAP and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER

Important Info

  • O'Day is on Friday, 20 February 2009.

  • Our stall is WHERE


Someone do a stocktake?

Grabbing New Members

  • SMS screen (any chance of this?)

  • Arrange new-member escorts to the room - the bottom of Cameron Hall seemed to have a distinct "you're not supposed to be here" feel, and it would also give the new members a friend right off the bat.
  • Arrange people to talk to small groups of freshers in the room.
  • Either team up with other Cameron Hall clubs for BIG A2 signage on doors and ground outside or go it alone.
  • Give new members a token for a free coke (their first dispense encounter!) and get them into the room for a chat with a few friendly 2nd years.
    • StevenLazidis: I think the free drink thing for new members worked well last year, the machine needed a sign though, the freshers couldn't find it sitting in plain sight in the middle of the room.

  • More cool things?


  • Big A0 posters are required. Any from last year still available?

  • Posters need to have the UCC name on them in an obvious way, rather than just being you-beaut pictures - it would be nice if poster designs were consistent. Who can help?

  • Update posters of various groups (Coke, Door etc)

Marketing Spiel

From 2006:

  • UCC is older than the Deparment of Computer Science - 34th year this year.
  • Cool stuff:
    • Internet coke machine - only one in Australia!
    • Manbo: Sun Enterprise server with 14 CPUs and 12 GB of RAM, running the latest Solaris Express
  • Clubroom - dozens of different sorts of computers. Eat your e-mail, read your lunch.
  • Access to webspace, e-mail, free WAIX
  • For CS students: an excellent way to get exposure to the stuff you won't get taught.
  • For non-CS students: a chance to play with the kind of equipment you only see in university and corporate environments.
  • Gamers as well - LANs etc
  • Not just a student club. Plenty of interesting people around
    • People working on Mozilla, GNOME, Flock^WSongbird (Yakk's still old guard, right?), Linux, Avahi, plenty of other stuff
  • A social club, too - our myraid events (like what?)
  • Close relationship with other CH clubs - but you don't have to join them all
  • Begin today by going up to the club, and come to Fresher's Welcome Pizza Night next week and AGM shortly after

/!\ WorldOfWarcraft is less of an issue this year, but try not to push the computer games thing too hard.


See http://zanchey.ucc.asn.au/ucc-2008/ for last year's publications.

Freshers Guide: based on http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/freshguide/freshers-guide-2007.odt first draft written blocked on new cover art (DavidAdam or ANYONE ELSE SERIOUSLY PLEASE) and new welcome text (LukeWilliams).

Forms: based on http://davyd.ucc.asn.au/ucc-test/2007membershipform.pdf ready for printing - will get 200 printed (owner: DavidAdam)

Cards: ready for printing - will get 500 made (minimum order) (owner: DavidAdam)


(In name - time - what format)

  • DavidAdam - waiting for rotation timetables, will know soon

  • Alix Chinnery - most of the day - Booth / clubroom

To Do

Well beforehand

  • room cleanup
  • Fresher's Guide
  • Membership forms
  • Membership cards (enough lamination pouches? check laminator still works)

  • design posters
  • drink vouchers - get stickers from DavydMadeley - PXY has CSV and glabels templates

The few days before

  • print posters
  • check committee can add new members
  • check machines are all working

On the day

  • vacuum clubroom
  • DECterm for drinks
  • get marquee out of TRS' car
  • pick up tables, pinup boards (bring $5 deposit)
  • set up posters, banners
