
Event planning for O'Day 2009.

For ideas and notes from previous years, see ODay2008, ODay2007 and ODay2006.

{i} Current forecast is a fine day, maximum temperature ?? degrees. SLIP SLOP SLAP and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER

Important Info


Someone do a stocktake?

Grabbing New Members


Marketing Spiel

From 2006:

/!\ WorldOfWarcraft is less of an issue this year, but try not to push the computer games thing too hard.


See http://zanchey.ucc.asn.au/ucc-2008/ for last year's publications.

Freshers Guide: based on http://www.ucc.asn.au/infobase/freshguide/freshers-guide-2007.odt first draft written blocked on new cover art (DavidAdam or ANYONE ELSE SERIOUSLY PLEASE) and new welcome text (LukeWilliams).

Forms: based on http://davyd.ucc.asn.au/ucc-test/2007membershipform.pdf ready for printing - will get 200 printed (owner: DavidAdam)

Cards: ready for printing - will get 500 made (minimum order) (owner: DavidAdam)


(In name - time - what format)

To Do

Well beforehand

The few days before

On the day


uccwiki: ODay2009 (last edited 2013-10-26 15:57:59 by BobAdamson)