Event planning for O'Day 2010.

For ideas and notes from previous years, see ODay2008, ODay2007, ODay2006 and ODay2009.

{i} Current forecast is for a fine day with cloud developing later - Maximum temp: 31 degrees; UV Danger is Extreme, so bring water and a hat!

Important Info


[DJA] is in charge of getting new polos printed. We also have a number of old t-shirts to offload at cheaper prices. We are also getting UCC polos printed, and people at the booth on the day should be wearing them. Pre-order your polo by Jan 25, 2010 (NOW CLOSED) at http://www.ucc.asn.au/polo.ucc.

A stocktake of the 'In Soviet Russia' t-shirts on 23/11/09 revealed we still have 1 XXL, 4 XL and 6 L left ($25 each). We also have 5 of the 1999 t-shirts, 2 small jolt cola t-shirts, and a Harvard veritas t-shirt (all $10 each).

Grabbing New Members

  • Hopefully the LURC will be up and running for the day so we can do some demos
  • Arrange new-member escorts to the room - the bottom of Cameron Hall has a distinct "you're not supposed to be here" feel, and it would also give the new members a friend right off the bat.
  • Arrange people to talk to small groups of freshers in the room.
  • Either team up with other Cameron Hall clubs for BIG A2 signage on doors and ground outside or go it alone.
  • Give new members a token for a free coke (their first dispense encounter!) and get them into the room for a chat with a few friendly 2nd years. 2nd years need to explain to people how to use dispense, as well as what some of the things around the room are/do
  • People (committee and wheel) to set up accounts.


  • Big A0 posters are required, none of the old ones seem to have shown up, so some need to be printed. Uniprint has quoted $90 per poster, with a design fee on top of that - so it is well worth pulling out the plotter in this case.
  • Posters need to have the UCC name on them in an obvious way, rather than just being you-beaut pictures - it would be nice if poster designs were consistent, you can get the UCC vector logo from /space/services/http/logos Who can help? Bob can help...

  • Create posters of various groups (Coke, Door etc), and make sure they are posted somewhere in the clubroom this seems a little overkill to me -- BobAdamson

Marketing Spiel

  • UCC is older than the Department of Computer Science - 36th year this year. We are also older than the first UNIX users group, the Homebrew Computer Club and the Chaos Computer Club.
  • Cool stuff:
    • Internet coke machine - first one in Australia!
    • Snack machine that not only gets us snacks using a smartcard, but also gets us into the clubroom
    • Free (as in beer) internet is not really a selling point anymore now that you get 1GB SNAP quota each day -- BobAdamson

  • Clubroom - dozens of different sorts of computers. Eat your e-mail, read your lunch. Our clubroom is open more often than any club on campus.
  • Access to webspace, e-mail, computers to experiment with, fully stocked projects bench with tools
  • For CS students: an excellent way to get exposure to the stuff you won't get taught.
    • Also, good place to organise with other smart people
  • For non-CS students: a chance to play with the kind of equipment you only see in university and corporate environments.
    • Good place to go for general computer help
  • Gamers as well - LANs etc
  • Not just a student club. Plenty of interesting people around
    • People working on Mozilla, GNOME, Flock, Songbird (Yakk's still old guard, right?), Linux, Avahi, plenty of other stuff IS THIS STILL VALID? -- BobAdamson

    • We really, really, really should down play this. UCC is a student club first and foremost. Perhaps we should just mention them as industry associations.

  • A social club, too - our myraid events like LAN's, BBQ's, programming comps, dinners, quiz nights, pizza nights, movie nights
    • Lets not get ahead of ourselves, we had 2 LAN's, 0 BBQ's, 0 Programming comps, 1 dinner, half a quiz night, some movie nights, and heaps of pizza nights
  • Close relationship with other CH clubs - but you don't have to join them all
  • Begin today by going up to the club, and come to Fresher's Welcome Pizza Night next week and AGM shortly after


See http://zanchey.ucc.asn.au/ucc-2009/ for last year's publications.

Freshers Guide: Has been written and printed.

Forms: will hopefully not be necessary this year, we're going DIGITAL!...not...MattDidcoe is dealing with this

  • This year can we please add an 'interest area' field to the form to get an idea of what freshers are interested in. Tick boxes with values such as gaming, programming, server admin, graphics design, electronics and embedded devices, web design, 'other' could be included. Then committee has an idea of where money needs to be spent in the clubroom. -- BobAdamson

Cards: Need designing and printing. There is typically a minimum order of 500. They will still be necessary in 2010 for sponsors, and member discounts. A note for 2011: get the right sized cards, the ones we got this year are so big that once they are laminated they won't fit in your wallet.

  • Perhaps look at doing a Moo Business Card order - may well be cheaper, but would need to order soon to ensure they arrive on time. -- MattDidcoe

Copies of the EFA anti-filtering petition


(In name - time - what format)

To Do

Well beforehand

  • find a marquee, and how to get tables and pinup boards from the guild - [TRS] has offered to let us use his marquee, pinup boards are $40 extra (though there is a nice sized one in the loft we may be able to claim) (./)

  • room cleanup
  • Clean up the stair well - the dried and shriveled up condom on the stair-post is off-putting. (./)

  • Fresher's Guide (./)

  • Membership forms if the digital system isn't online (./)

  • Membership cards (enough lamination pouches? there's currently ~180 pouches; check laminator still works) (./)

  • design posters
  • drink vouchers - PXY had CSV and glabels templates in 2009 - this may be redundant if we can get online regos working in time as we can SMS them using [MRD]'s clickatell account

The few days before

  • do a snack run, the machine has to be absolutely full (we don't need any coke at the moment, seeing as we have enough for most of first semester) (./)

  • post a link with dispense instructions on the snack and coke machine. It would also be good if we could have the button labels matching what is actually in the machine (at least at the start of semester)
  • print posters
  • check committee can add new members (./)

  • check machines are all working, upgrade whatever needs upgrading, clear big/old cached user profiles (./)

On the day

  • vacuum clubroom
  • set up tables, boards, and marquee
  • DECterm for drinks
  • set up posters, banners
  • make sure posters are up at entrance to Cameron Hall
